
  • One year from today

    Professional goals:
    One year from today, my goal is to be interning in a school already in my second to last semester for my bachelors program. An addition, I hope on growing my small business and averaging up to 10 orders a week minimum. Personal goals:
    In a year from today, my personal goals are to be more independent, and purchase my own car.
  • Two years from today

    Professional goals:
    My goal for two years from now are to be working as a first/ kindergarten teacher in john young elementary school. Another professional goal would be to start planning already location and financially where I will open my bakery. Personal Goals:
    My personal goals for two years from today would be to hopefully own my first investment property.
  • Five years from today

    Professional Goals:
    Professional goals for five years from now would be to really grow as a teacher and take what ive learned thus far with my students over the years and help other future educational students. I would also wish to have my bakery in the celebration location.
    Personal goals: I would have liked to traveled and crossed off atleast 4 major bucket list locations. An have my forever home built.
  • Ten years from today

    Professional goals: Professionally, my goals would just be to grow in both of my careers of teaching and my bakery. Other than that, I would just aim to have a few more investment properties. Personal goals: I wish to have started my own family.
  • End of my career.

    While I reached the end of my career I plan on retiring and working full time in my bakery. Personal:
    Since I plan on working on my bakery full time at this point in my life, my goal is to take this time to really travel and continue to see the world with my family while making my own schedule at my bakery.