Goal Timeline

  • 1 year from today

    I want to be in my internship, keeping up with my grades, and work.
  • 2 years from today

    I want to be graduated and in my first year teaching. I hope my life isn't too crazy being 6 days from my wedding.
  • 5 years from today

    I will be very new to teaching learning from my first few years to build my teaching skills, class management and network. I hope to be able to focus on myself, my relationship, and friendships. I also want to begin expanding my family.
  • 10 years from today

    I want to be in the prime of my career, reevaluating where I am at for my career and explore growth opportunities. I hope to have begun working towards my Masters. I wish to hav a happy and healthy family.
  • End of my career

    I hope to retire around the time I am 60. I hope to have learned just as much as I taught in my career. I want to be surrounded by my husband, kids, and potentially grandchildren.