Go ask alice

Go Ask Alice

  • First Time

    First Time
    Alice goes to hangout with her friend Jill that introduces here to acid by hiding it in a coke. Before this she hadn't ever dreamed of doing drugs. She loved it but said that would be her last time...
  • Period: to

    Go Ask ALice

  • Fun with Bill

    Fun with Bill
    Alice goes on a date and starts to hangout with Bill. He introduces her to torpedos (mixture of marjuana and cocaine) and speed(meth) . Alice was really inlove with speed.
  • Alice's Gramps

    Alice's Gramps
    Alice's Grampa has a heart attack so she helps her grandma take care of him.
  • Another First Time

    Another First Time
    Alice hangs out with Bill and they both do acid, Alice losses her virginity. She liked it(sex) at the moment but truly regrets her decisions and wishes she had never done drugs and had sex.
  • New Friend

    New Friend
    Alice meets a girl named Chris in a botique, Chris shows her how to iron her hair and they become good friends.
  • New Friends, New Expiernces.

    New Friends, New Expiernces.
    Chris gves Alice drugs(and upper) to make her happy.
  • Marjuana

    Alice smokes marjuana for the first time with Chris and Chris' date, Ted. She also meets Richie who shows her how to smoke. (Richie and Ted are roommates and are in college, they both sell drugs)
  • Selling

    Alice and Chris getsdrugs from Richie and Ted and start selling them to kids at their school.
  • Suprise!

    Alice and Chris find out that Richie and Ted are lovers.
  • Goodbye.

    Chris and Alice decided to go live in San Francisco, Alice feels bad leaving her family but is scared that Richie will fond out she turned him into the police.
  • New Beginning

    New Beginning
    Alice and Chris arrive in San Francisco. They live in a dirty, old, nasty apartment. They try and find jobs.
  • New Jobs, New People

    New Jobs, New People
    Chris gets a job at an expensive botique and Alice and Chris become good friends with her new boss, Shelia.
  • Glamours Distaters

    Glamours Distaters
    Alice and Chris were invited to Shiela's house, her boyfrined Rod was there too. Sheila and Rod introduced them to heroin, they also did speed that night. Rod and Shelia ended up raping both the girls. After, they went back to thier apartment and swore off drugs.
  • Restart

    Alice and Chris move to Berkeley,California and get a ground floor apartment.They decide to live in the bedroom and kitchen and open a boutique/shop in the living room and dining room.
  • Home Sweet Home!

    Home Sweet Home!
    Chris and Alice go back to their famailies, And they were happy they were back.
  • Again

    Chs invites Alice over because she is feeling bad, they both smoked weed.
  • Oh No

    Oh No
    The police raided Chris' house and found her drugs, Alice was there with her, they were both put on probabtion. Alice's mother tells her brother to keep an eye on her.
  • Goodbye Again

    Goodbye Again
    (From here to April 6th the dates are unsure) Alice leaves and hitchhikes to Denver, CO. She was homeless for a while but then goes to a salvation army type thing, she meets a girl named Doris. Doris and Alice live in a small apartment and do drugs all the time, they run out of drugs and money so they start to beg for money. They ended up going to Southern Califoia for a rally. Alice and Doris exchange sexual favors for drugs. Alice eventually goes to a church and talks to a priest, he calls her
  • No friends

    No friends
    The kids at Alice's school that dont do drugs want nothing to do with her and the kids that do torment her and nag her to start doing drugs with them again. She continually says no so they tease her and call her names, they even threaten to plant drugs in her dads car, a boy pulled her behind a bush and called her a fink(snitch) then proceeded to kiss her.
  • Oh No Gramps

    Oh No Gramps
    Alice's grampa has a stroke.
  • Goodbye Gramps

    Goodbye Gramps
    Alice's grampa dies and her grandma comes to stay with the family. Alice couldn't believe that her grampa died. All she could picture was worms and maggots and bugs crawling all over his dead body.
  • Babysitting

    Mrs. Larsen had someone cancle for babysitting here daughter so she asked Alice and Alice went over and babysat for her. Kids at school were still making threats about "turning her back on" to drugs but Alice was drug free and wanted nothing to do with them. The girl who was supposed to babysit came by later but was high off drugs so Alice had to call her parents because the girl wouldn't leave. That girl was very mad at her the next day.
  • It Wasn't My Fault

    It Wasn't My Fault
    Mrs. Larsen broke her leg and needed surgery so she called Alice to babysit for her. Alice thought Mrs. Larsen left her some chocolates, she ate them. It turned out someone else left her the chocolates and they were covered in acid, Alice went carzy and hallucinated that there were maggots and worms and bugs crawling all over so she started to pull out chunks of hair and skin.
  • The Accident

    The Accident
    The neighbors ran over to the house because they heard Alice freaking out and the baby crying. They locked her in a closet so she couldn't get out but she clawed at the door while hallucinating thinking it was a coffin. She ended up in the hospital because she oulled her hair out and chnks of her skin, She crippled her hands severly from scratching at the door. She was later transfered into a mental hospital. It was very scary at first but she met a friend.
  • Finally Home!

    Finally Home!
    Alice gets to go home from the Menatl Hospital. She's drug free and feels great and free. She makes a good friend Fawn who doesn't do drugs and shes a good girl.
  • Goodbye Alice...

    Goodbye Alice...
    Alice dies from a drug overdose whether it was an accidental or a premeditated overdose is unknown.