
  • 200 BCE

    Silk Road

    A route was created betaeen china and the mediterranean that allowed trading between these major regions
  • Jan 18, 1440

    Printing press

    In 1440 the printing press was created and all the human life changed since then.
  • 1492

    Colon discovers America

    In 1492 colon discovers america and he decided to bring all type of material from europe to america
  • Atlantic Slave Trade

    The. Movement of slaves from slaves to other parts of the world
  • Stream Train

    The stream train was created which made the trading fasters which helped global economy
  • Great depression

    The great depression hits all around the world and the stock market crashed
  • UN

    the united nations was created shortly after the WW2
  • Oil crisis

    In 1973 there was a sudden rise of price in oil which meant the was a lack of oil
  • WWW

    The world wide web was created which provided humans all around the world to connec via web
  • WTO

    The WTO was created and it helped with trading all around the world