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    Globalization 4.0

  • russia

    Aleksei Kudrin, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, discussed the outlook for the Russian economy and previewed the St. Petersburg G-8 summit.
  • economic partnership

    Recently signed economic partnership agreements between the European Union and African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries may represent a powerful new tool for development, strengthening regional integration and stimulating investment in signatory countries.
  • Pakistan achieving

    Pakistan has experienced uneven performance in achieving human development goals. These poor results are due to a lack of investment: the country spends only about 2.5% of GDP on health and education, whereas most countries that have grown on a sustained basis have spent at least 7%.
  • Implications

    The chair of an American Political Science Association task force discussed the implications of global inequality for developing countries.
  • china

    China is shifting its focus from growth to the broader goal of development, which includes a wide range of social and economic policy objectives. To examine the nature and impact of that transition, Carnegie hosted an event with KC Kwok, chief government economist of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Albert Keidel, senior associate at Carnegie, moderated the discussion.
  • migration

    As globalization spread dramatically over the last twenty years, migration expanded less rapidly than either trade or foreign investment. Still, migration remains contentious even as some economists praise it as the fastest route to raising world incomes. The promise of migration, however, is more limited and nuanced.
  • kenya

    The ongoing Doha Round of trade negotiations could improve Kenya’s competitive position in processed food and agriculture, but long-term development requires the strengthening of other economic sectors.
  • columbian free trade agreement

    The proposed U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement could potentially have adverse effects on Colombia’s economy and stability, and particularly on small farmers, who have already been disproportionately affected by Colombia’s internal conflict
  • China and india becoming large economies

    China and India are poised to join the United States as the world’s largest economies by mid-century. As economic strength is translated into greater power and influence, will a tri-polar global system replace the unipolar status of the United States?
  • partnering with africa

    Foreign investors interested in Africa are facing similar risks and opportunities to those they faced when investing in India. By partnering on investment and business activities, the United States and India can help Africa get the necessary resources to spur