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Global war

  • Austrian succession war

    Austrian succession war
    During the Austrian succession war Frederick the great of Prussia took control of the prosperous province of Silesia from Austria.
  • The treaty of Aix-la-chapelle

    The treaty of Aix-la-chapelle
    Maria Theresa of Austria signed the treaty of Aix-la-chapelle in 1748 in order to gain time to rebuild her military forces.
  • Jumonville Glen

    Jumonville Glen
    The most important French fort planned was intended to occupy a position at the forks where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meet forming the Ohio river. British colonial militia from virgins were sent to drive them out. This was lead by George Washington, they ambushed a little French army at Jumonville Glen In 1754
  • The seven year war

    The seven year war
    This war involved all of Europe other than the Ottoman Empire, the war affected five continents.The conflict split Europe into Britain and France. France formed an coalition to take out Britain which ended in Britain wining and becoming the worlds predominant power.
  • Diplomatic revolution

    Diplomatic revolution
    During the 7 year war alliances shifted and Prussia is allied with Britain while France allied with Austria.
  • French expedition

    French expedition
    In west Africa the British captured Senegal and brought home large amounts of goods. This convinced the British to do two more expeditions to take the the island of Gorée and trading post in Gambia. French losing these colonies weakened their economy.
  • The treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris
    The treaty was signed by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France, and Spain also with Portugal too. The signing of the Paris treaty would normally end the seven years war known as the French and Indian war, and started the era of British dominance outside Europe.
  • The Treaty of Hubertusburg

    The Treaty of Hubertusburg
    This treaty was signed in 1763 by Prussia, Austria, and saxony. This treaty along with the treaty of Paris signed the end of the seven years war. The treaty ended the conflict with no significant changes in the pre-war borders. Also through the treaty of Paris Great Britain became the worlds chief colonial Empire and France lost most of its land over seas.