Global Interaction Timeline

  • Period: 1453 to 1502

    Two Century war between Ottomans and Venice

  • 1500

    Population starts to boom in China

    The population boom in China led to a series of new inventions from new scientists and new ways of thinking.
  • 1500

    Korea makes use of printing with movable type.

    Korea implements Chinese writings through print.
  • Period: 1500 to 1550

    Japan welcomes traders from Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and England.

    Japanese government allows for foreign traders.
  • 1502

    Ismail is Shah of Iran

    Ismail proclaims himself Shah of Iran which led to the creation of the empire
  • 1502

    Ismail devoted to Shi'it Islam

    Realm was devoted to Shi’ite Islam which led to Islam becoming predominant in the area
  • Period: 1516 to 1517

    Ottoman Empire Conquered Egypt and Syria

    lead to expansion and spread of culture
  • Period: 1520 to 1566

    Ottoman Rule under Suleiman the Magnificent

    New ruler spread influence
  • 1521

    Ottoman Empire Conquered Belgrade

    Conquering Belgrade lead to expansion and spread of culture
  • 1526

    Babur creates Mughal Empire

    Babur creates Mughal Empire
  • 1526

    Defeat of last Muslim sultan of Delhi

    Defeated last Muslim sultan of Delhi which led to expansion
  • 1529

    Ottoman seige in Vienna

    This is attack could lead to expansion and spread of culture
  • Period: 1533 to

    Ivan 4th pushed Muscovy’s conquest south and east.

    land is how a nation is defined
  • 1543

    Japanese experience first European contact with the Portuguese.

    Japan opens its borders to European influence.
  • 1547

    Ivan 4th adopts title of tsar

    Tsar is the highest honor you can have in Russia. The person in charge so when that changes its a big deal
  • 1550

    Catholic Missionary Francis Xavier spends two years in Japan.

    European missionaries integrate and spread christian beliefs.
  • Period: 1556 to

    Akbar begins expansion

    Akbar expands Mughal Empire and shows off its power
  • Period: 1560 to

    Japanese civil war between the daimyo.

    In a contest for power the diamyo fought between each other.
  • 1565

    Failed Ottoman western Mediterranean expedition against the Malta

    Wasted precious resources and time but also gained knowledge at the same time
  • 1565

    Failed Ottoman siege of Malta

    This failed siege effected Ottomans by created a gap between peoples, also leading downgrade of supplies
  • Period: 1566 to 1574

    Ottoman Rule under Selim II

    New Ruler
  • 1569

    Mixed baby born

    Hindu and Muslim baby son ruler born creating a cultural shift and religions coming together
  • 1571

    Crimson Tatars to the south conquered Moscow

    Moscow is one of the biggest city's in Russia so when that is conquered it shows how the conquers are.
  • 1571

    Ottoman naval defeat at Lepanto

    Created more of a gap stated above, also, Their Navy was recognized as weak
  • 1580

    Mongols unified by devotion to Dalai Lama

    The unification of the Mongol state by devotion led to the people to become more easily controlled and led to a more obedient population.
  • 1580

    Over 100,000 Japanese convert to Christianity.

    Rising European influence on Japan.
  • Period: 1580 to

    The yangban(aristocrats) dominate positions of Korean government.

    The wealthy become more powerful and widen the gap between the rich and powerful and the poor in Korea.
  • 1582

    Russians conquer Khanate of Sibir

    Khanate of Sibir was the only political power
  • 1582

    The Strogonovs destroyed the Khanate of Sibir

    the destroyed as the only political power
  • Period: to

    Rule of Shah Abbas I

    Rule of Shah Abbas I which changed the course of the Safavid Empire
  • Period: to

    Little Ice Age

    Lead to results that devastated Anatolia
  • Japan invades Korea

    Showcase of Japanese naval power.
  • Korea receives 100,000 soldiers from China.

    Korea depends on Chinese support.
  • Hideyoshi rejects negotiations for peace with the Chinese.

    Japanese war and conquest mindset.
  • Ottoman battle of Sisak

    Combined christian army from the Habsburg land
  • Isfahan became Iran’s capital

    Isfahan became Iran’s capital
  • Hideyoshi withdraws all troops from Korea.

    Hideyoshi's death marks the end of Japanese aggression on China.
  • Galdan restored Mongolia as regional military power

    With Mongolia as a regional military power, the other surrounding countries would stop from invading the Mongols.
  • 300,000 Japanese convert to Christianity.

    Major European influence.
  • Labor protests in Jingdezhen

    The labor protests led the government to become more interested in the workers conditions and led to the economy to fall due to the short amount of workers.
  • Tokugawa Leyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate.

    Establishment of a military government.
  • End of Anatolia

    Ottoman Empire takes over
  • Period: to

    Rule of Mikhail the first Romanov tsar

    tsar is a decision maker and to have a different type is important
  • A decree issued to ban Christianity in Japan.

    Japan becomes cautious of outsiders
  • The Japanese government began persecutions over the Christian community.

    Japan sees the social effects of Christianity as corruptive.
  • Manchu forces invade Korea.

    Korean economy takes a toll and relations with the Ming are severed.
  • Japan issues a series of decrees to prevent trade with Europe.

    Japan was limited to tightly controlled trade with the Dutch.
  • Japan issues a series of decrees to prevent trade with Europe.

    Isolationist Policy; only trading with China and Korea.
  • Russian settlers began to grow grain in the Amur River valley east of Mongolia.

    grain is a huge part in the Russian's diet
  • Ming general joined forces with Manchu leaders

    This join of forces led to an increased military power than was very strong and so other countries became aware
  • Manchus claimed China and started forty year conquest of Ming territories

    With the forty year conquest of Ming territories, the military became very weak due to a short amount of resources left after the war.
  • Temperature drops and creates agricultural distress

    Due to the drop in temperature, the agriculture was unable to bloom the way it needed in order to feed the population which led to hard times.
  • Drastic Change in Temperature

    Temperature drops and creates agricultural distress
  • Subordination of serfs complete

    serfs where a huge part of the population
  • Law changed turning peasants to serfs

    serfs where a huge part of the population
  • Conservative Islamic regime

    Aurangzeb imposed conservative Islamic regime unlike the past rulers in the Mughal Empire
  • Period: to

    Rule of Auragnzeb

    Mughal ruler who changed the way peoples religions were shown in the empire by enacting more reformed beliefs
  • Kangxi oversaw expansion of Qing Empire

    With a leader overseeing the expansion of the Qing Empire, Kangxi made sure that the territory that the military gained, that the people would be under Qing rule
  • Period: to

    Ottomans participate in Austro-Turkish war

    Participated in Austro-Turkish war
  • Kangxi executed the chief regent and gained control of government.

    When Kangxi executed chief and gained control of the government, the people were under his control which was ruled differently than the chiefs rules.
  • Qing forces attacked Russian scouts on Amur River

    With this attack the Qing forces demonstrated their power over others.
  • Ottomans lost battle of Vienna

    Decisive Christian coalition victory
  • China and Russia arranged Treaty of Nerchinsk

    With the Treaty of Nerchinsk came new territory for China to rule and less for Russia.
  • Princess Sophia tried to take control of the government

    princess's are major parts of government
  • Period: to

    Rule of Peter the great

    peter the great help to expand and maintain the Russia that is in the world today
  • Kangxi brought Inner Mongolia under Qing control

    With the expansion of territory, the Qing had to control more people and gained from the people by their work.
  • Peters forces seized the port of Azov

    having a port ment you could import and export goods which would better the economy
  • Period: to

    Peters European society were becoming so powerful and wealthy

    This effected the course of the country and how well it was going to do in the future
  • Rebellion in Ming Empire

    Rebellion against Ming Empire led to the military distress which weakened the state of the Ming Empire.
  • Merchant families gain extreme wealth and power.

    The wealthy take on more powerful positions in Japanese society.
  • Period: to

    Great Northern War

    war change lives
  • Period: to

    Korea’s slave population drops to about 10%.

    Korean population growth, escaped slaves, and independent farmers lowered the use of slaves.
  • The “Forty-Seven Ronin” incident between civil law and samurai values.

    Japan shifts from old to new social values.
  • Mughal control all over India

    All but Southern tip of India under Mughal rule showing the dominance of the empire
  • St.Petersburg becomes Russia’s capital

    capitals are the center of the government
  • Peters forces lost the port of Azov

    ports were a huge part of the economy
  • Ottomans recaptured Morea

    Spread influence and gained land and power
  • Law was proclaimed that the tsar didn’t have to answer to anyone about his doings

  • Period: to

    Tulip Period

    Cultural innovations and elite consumption and sociability In the Ottoman Empire
  • British traders dominated trade in China and displaced the Dutch

    Since the British dominated the Chinese trade, the products from china were spread to Britain and the Dutch who were displaced had fewer influence on the Chinese and vise versa.
  • Marauding Afghans capture Isfahan

    Marauding Afghans captured Isfahan
  • Kangxi’s death

    With the death of a ruler, a new ruler could take place and change the government once more.
  • Ottoman exhaustion on the Eastern front

    A major weakness in the Venetian war
  • Nizam al-Mulk

    Nizam al-Mulk creates an independent state as the Mughal empire is falling
  • Janissary revolt begins

    Creates a period of Ottoman conversion
  • Conservative Janissary Revolt

    Destroyed elite's troop's capability to fight
  • Nadir Shah reunites Iran

    Nadir Shah reunites Iran from the ruins of the Safavid Empire
  • Peacock Throne

    Nadir Shah took the "Peacock throne" which led to him eventually coming to power
  • Treaty of Belgrade

    Ended Autro-Turkish war
  • Francois Dupleix

    Francois Dupleix takes over the French stronghold of Pondicherry which began the European involvement in India
  • Economic and environmental decline in China

    With the economy declining, people were becoming poorer and lived in very terrible poverty and since the environment was also declining, had a effect on the amount of food that could be produced.
  • Dams and dikes were not well kept and became unusable

    Due to the dams and dikes not being well kept, disease spread through china and the roads and streets were usually polluted with human waste and the conditions became a primary source of bacteria.
  • British government dispatched Lord George to China

    With the sending of Lord George to china, china showed the lord how successful they were.
  • Qianlong emperor received Macartney mission but refused trading system

    The Macartney mission was an attempt to expand trade with china but since china declined, led to miscommunication between the two rulers.
  • Serfs made up half of the population

    population will determine everything in a nation
  • Qianlong ruled the Qing Empire

    With a new ruler came new ideas and laws for the government.
  • Russia encompassed all of Northern and Northeastern Eurasia.

    land is a major part in expansion and advances in economy
  • Economic growth fosters development of crafts and establishments.

    Japanese wealth allows for arts to grow within its cities.
  • Mughal Empire Falls

    Mughal empire falls
  • Serfdom was abolished

    major part of the population