
Global History 1920-1949

  • Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Sanger
    Introduced birth control to America, not decriminalized until 1965...
  • Mussolini forms fascist government

    He marches on Rome and forms a fascist government
  • Period: to

    Totalitarianism and the Great Depression

  • Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi
    Became head of Congress Party of India and expanded the party to include the lower classes.
  • New Economic Policy 1921-1927

    adopted by Lenin to allow for partial infusion of capitalism to instigate economic revival
  • Birth of USSR

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics composed of 15 Euro-Asian republics, all controlled by Communist Party headquartered in Moscow
  • Palestine to be home for Jews legally

    League of Nations adopted the policy made by British government in 1917--- to make room for Jews in Palestine---into British Mandate for Palestine
  • Joseph Stalin

    Came into power after death of Lenin in 1924, rules as Soviet dictator until death in 1953
  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler is sentenced to 5 years in prison where he writes Mein Kampf
  • KKK Washington march

    KKK Washington march
  • Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight

    Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight
  • Stalin's First Five Year Plan (failed)

    more radical scheme than New Economic Policy. violent peasant resistance resulting in deadly famine in Russia and Ukraine
  • First color television transmission

  • Amsterdam Olympic Games

    First games to allow women to compete
  • US stock market crash

    U.S. securities losing $26 billion, first phase of Depression
  • Gandhi's tax protest

    Brits were enforcing extreme taxation on India, Gandhi walked 240 miles to Dandi on the Arabian Sea and picked up a lump of salt and encouraged India to break the British tax law. Brits arrested many including Gandhi.
  • Naval disarmament treaty

    Signed by Britain, US, Japan, France, and Italy
  • Japan vs China war

    Japan vs China war
    Japan blew up their own train tracks and blamed the Chinese in efforts to war for control (esp. Manchurio). Japan = "government by assassination"
  • Chinese Soviet Republic

    Communist members who were kicked out of office by Jiang Jieshi (1927) and regrouped in peripheral areas of southeast China. Eventually they were exterminated by 1934 by Jieshi. Attempt to rebuild power in the northwest occurred (Long March).
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    First woman to fly Atlantic solo
  • Period: to

    Deadly Russia/Ukraine famine

    resulting from Stalin's aggressive 5 year plan failure, resistors were deported to gulags (labor camps) where 400k died
  • Hitler named chancellor

    Hitler named chancellor
    67 days later, anti-semitistic laws issued to remove anyone related to Jews
  • Germany and Japan withdraw from League of Nations

  • Period: to

    Worlds Blown Apart

    Guernica, prewar order in Asia and Europe, long-time control of Palestine by the Arabs, collapse of British Raj in India, and prewar global political and economic institutional framework.
  • Long March

    Mao Zedong begins the Long March north with 100k soldiers (Chinese communists)
  • Nazi's repudiate Versailles Treaty

  • Spanish civil war

    Power struggle between left and right
  • Rape of Nanjing (Chinese capital)

    Countless murders and rapes of civilians by Japanese
  • Carpet bombing of Guernica (Spain)

    Carpet bombing of Guernica (Spain)
    First air raid on a European civilian population, introduction of twentieth century warfare
  • Hitler annexes Austria, Sudetenland and Czech

    Hitler annexes German-speaking Austria and Sudetenland, seizing all of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, then Poland later in 39
  • Lise Meitner

    Lise Meitner
    Brilliant Austrian physicist born into a Jewish family, later converted to Protestantism. She along with Otto Hahn discovered the radiochemical proof of nuclear fission.
  • The Blitzkrieg "lightning war"

    The Blitzkrieg "lightning war"
    Hitlers wars in Northern Europe, conquering Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Less infantry, more tanks.
  • Battle of Britain begins

    First major campaign fought entirely by air forces. Hitler's first loss.
  • "Kill all, burn all, loot all" 20 million Chinese dead

    Japan reaction to Chinese communist forces in the north, all Chinese were fair game for unrestrained terror.
  • Yuan Zhulin begins working at comfort station

    Offered a job to clean at a provincial hotel only for it to be a brothel for Japanese soldiers
  • Soviet killing of 25k Polish officers

    Soviet forces murdered an estimated 22-25,700 Polish military and police officers and intellectuals to be buried then in the Katyn Forest in western Russia (Stalin)
  • Germany conquers Pale of Settlement

    The beginning of many mass killings by the Germans, later killing many at Odessa, Nikolaev, Transnistria, Kaunas, Kovel
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Germany invades Soviet Union to make more living space for the Germans, which pushes them to join the Allies
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese surprise attack on US Navy installation at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Kicked off war in the Pacific and brought the US into WWII
  • Great Synagogue massacre

    Germans locked Jews who had tried to escape in the Great Synagogue then murdered them
  • "Quit India" movement (failed)

    movement to resist Britain's attempt to use India in WWII by threatening nation-wide civil disobedience, failed
  • Hiroshima (Aug 6) and Nagasaki (Aug 9)

    Atomic bombings by the US on Japan, ending the terror of Japan in the war when they agreed to unconditional surrender.
  • Fire bombing in Japan

    US conquers Saipan in the Mariana Islands which gave them access to Japan by plane, they dropped fire bombs, killing 100k civilians in Tokyo.
  • Conference in New Hampshire to prevent more depression

    formed: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (replaced later by World Trade Organization), International Monetary Fund.
  • Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945)

    Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945)
    Nazi collaborator serving as prime minister of German-occupied Norway, executed 1945
  • Philippe Petain (1856-1951)

    Philippe Petain (1856-1951)
    French Nazi collaborator, greatest WWI hero turned enemy collaborator...willingly and actively deported French and non-French jews to concentration camps. Tried for treason.
  • End of the British Raj

    Brit government was too exhausted and removed themselves from their rule in India, India split into Dominion of Pakistan and Union of India
  • Gandhi's assassination

    by a militant Hindu nationalist upset with his concern for Muslims
  • Israel becomes independent state and war ensues

    Israel becomes independent state and war ensues
    5 Arab states on that day sent military forces into Palestine: Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and noncontiguous Iraq. 1947-1948