Global Cultures 2nd hour Lucas Fosdyck

  • Independance

    Panama gains independence from Spain.
  • Panama becomes a country

    Panama becomes a country
    Literally they just became a country.
  • Panama and Colombia split

    Panama and Colombia split
    Panama splits from Colombia and becomes fully independent.
  • Roosevelt and Panama canal treaty

    Roosevelt and Panama canal treaty
    The US bought control of the Panama canal for $10 million.
  • Panama canal

    Panama canal
    The Panama canal has been finished and is ready for use.
  • WWI

    Panama fights in the first world war.
  • Protectorate ceases

    Protectorate ceases
    Panama ceases to be a protectorate of the US.
  • WWII

    Panama fights in world war two.
  • US invasion

    US invasion
    The US invades Panama.
  • The US hands over control

    The US hands over control
    The US handed over control of the Panama canal to Panama.