GLBTQ Rights Movement

  • Main Leader (Gilbert Baker)

    Main Leader (Gilbert Baker)
    Gilbert Baker-Born June 2 1951
    -Gay man that fought for gay peoples rights
    -Designed the gay pride flag in 1978
    -Created the flag in response to the Stonewall Riots
    -8 colors hot pink=sexuality red=life orange=healing yellow=sunlight green=nature turquois=magic/art blue=harmony
  • Decriminalization of homosexuality and Lawrence v Texas

    Decriminalization of homosexuality and Lawrence v Texas
    Decriminalization of Homosexuality-Illinois becomes the first state in 1962 to decriminalize homosexuality
    -1980, democrats become the first party to endorse homosexuality
    -1982, Wisconsin is the first state to outlaw discrimination on sexuality
    -1993, the military can’t prohibit people from serving based on their sexuality
    -2000, Vermont is the first state to legalize civil unions and registered same sex couples
    -Lawrence vs Texas ruled sodomy laws in the U.S. are unconstitutional
  • Julius's Bar

    Julius's Bar
    Julius's BarThis bar is the oldest gay bar in New York City and has had numerous “sip-ins”. During one sip-in, members of the Mattachine Society (a gay rights group) said they were homosexual before ordering drinks at the bar. During that time period, bars were not allowed to serve homosexuals so the people who were in that sip-in did not get their drinks they wanted to order.
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    Stonewall Riots-Violent acts against the police by members of the LGBT community
    -At the Stonewall Inn, in a gay club in New York City
    -The club was selling liquor to underage people but the people of New York knew police was targeting gay clubs
    -Followed by days of protest
    -The police only took the drag queens and lesbians away
    -The crowd then got violent towards the police
  • Homesexuality is no longer a "mental illness"

    Homesexuality is no longer a "mental illness"
    Mental Illness-The DIagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is used to classify mental dissorders and homosexuality was in the manual
    -Psychiatrists wrote about how homosexuality could be treated and cured
    -Finally, homosexuallity was taken off the list of mental disorders
    -Was not taken off the list of mental illnesses because there was a scientific breakthrough, but It was taken off because people started getting angry-
  • Gay Activist Alliance Firehouse

    Gay Activist Alliance Firehouse
    Gay Activist Alliance FirehouseThis firehouse was a landmark for the community of LGBT. This firehouse held meetings and was also a community center. This firehouse was destroyed in 1974, and now today is a clothing boutique.
  • Lesbian Herstory Archives

    Lesbian Herstory Archives
    Lesbian Herstory ArchivesThis lesbian archive was created in 1975, by lesbian feminists. Here, members of the Gay Academic Union had meetings talking about sexism. It is located in Park Slope. It today, is the largest archive to hold materials about and by lesbians.
  • LGBT Community Center-

    LGBT Community Center-
    LGBT Community CenterIt was built in New York in 1983 and has helped the LGBT community provide empowerment and help with health care. Every year more than 300,000 people come to visit the community center.
  • Defense of marriage act and Supreme Court case Obergefell vs. Hodges

    Defense of marriage act and Supreme Court case Obergefell vs. Hodges
    Obergefell vs Hodges-Defense of Marriage Act defined that marriage is between one man and one woman in 1996
    -In 2013, the Defense of Marriage Act was no longer allowed due to a 5-4 vote in a court ruling
    -DOMA was now ruled unconstitutional because it violated the 5th amendment of equal liberty
    -Two people named James Obergefell and John Arthur James filed a lawsuit against the state
    because the state would not recognize same-sex marriages on death certificates
    -The case was filed on July 19, 2013 in Ohio
  • Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookstore

    Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookstore
    Oscar Wilde Memorial BookstoreThis bookstore is located in New York City. This bookstore was also devoted to selling authors that are gay or lesbian. The store was made by Craig Rodwell who was a gay rights activist. The store was closed in 2009 due to money issues.
  • “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” Policy

    “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” Policy
    -”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was a law that banned perfectly qualified gay and lesbian Americans from serving in the U.S. military
    -This law sent a message to Americans that discrimination was okay
    -This law took place for 17 years and was not ended until September 20th, 2011 by President Obama
    -Today, gay and lesbian people who want to serve in the military can serve
  • GLBTQ's Accomplishments

    GLBTQ's Accomplishments
    Accomplishments-LGBTQ are moving towards global equality
    -Same sex marriage is now legal
    -People feel more comfortable about coming out about their sexuality
    -Non-discrimination acts have been passed
    -DOMA was ended so now more people can serve in the military
  • Problems Faced Today in 2016

    Problems Faced Today in 2016
    Problems in 2016 -There are anti-LGBTQ hate violence that happen from time to time today, people are even killed
    -Racism also comes into play and the LGBTQ also fights to prevent racism
    -Kids are kicked out of their families sometimes when they come out and result in being homeless