Glass Castle

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    Successful socialite Jeanette walls is on her way to a party when she sees her homeless mother digging through the trash. Leading Jeanette to examine her life and privilege, through her memoir
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    3 year old Jeanette burns herself making hot dogs, and has to stay in the hospital. Her family avoids the medical bill by breaking her out and running to the next town.
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    Early years

    Early years
    The walls family moves around the southwestern United States for a while. Rex Walls (dad) can't keep a job because of his alcoholism, forcing the family to cut corners and run to the next town when they're in debt.
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    With no finances and no where else to go, the Walls move in with Rex's mom Erma. Erma ends up keeping the kids in the basement and molests Jeanette's brother Brian. With no where else to go, mom and dad turn a blind eye to the situation.
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    The glass castle

    The glass castle
    Rex eventually saves up enough money to buy a shack for the family. He promises to build the family a new house that he calls "the glass castle".
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    A turning point

    A turning point
    On the brink of starvation, mom finally gets a job to support the Walls family. However, every time money is made by mom or Jeanette, Rex spends the money. One time he even allowed a man to force himself on Jeanette at a bar. Jeannette's faith in her father is finally broken, realizing the glass castle will never be built.
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    Lori decides she wants to move to New York City, so with the help of Jeanette, they make enough money to send her there. Despite Rex stealing the money, Lori is still able to make it to New York. Jeanette soon joins Lori along with Brian and Maureen.
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    The four are living happy lives in the city when mom and dad follow them. They begin living with their kids, not contributing to rent. The kids are forced to kick out their parents, leaving them homeless.
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    Maureen stabs mom and is put in a mental hospital, which later leads her to California. Lori becomes a successful artist, Brian a cop, and Jeanette a successful journalist. Mom and dad are living in an abandoned building, until dad gets sick and says goodbye to Jeannette. Jeannette is finally able to make her peace with her harsh upbringing.
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    The End

    The End
    The family has a reunion together at thanksgiving. They all make peace with their past and are able to reminisce about all the crazy memories they had.