Gladys STAAR 8

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    English law that limited the power of the king and gave more power to rich men
  • Jamestown

    First english colony in America- settled and grew tobacco
  • Period: to

    Southern Colonies Formed

    Wanted to expand trading and have better economic opportunities
    Fertile soil & Harsh winters
    Anglican & Roman Catholic
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    first form of representative government in america
  • Mayflower Compact

    first written contract, promise the pilgrims made to stick togethe
  • Period: to

    New England Colonies Formed

    Religious freedom
    Rocky soil, Forest areas, and Long harsh winters
    Puritans & Pilgrims
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    one of the first forms of representative governments
  • Period: to

    Middle Colonies Formed

    Economic Oppurtinities and Religious & Political Freedom
    Fertile soil, Flat lands, Plains and Shorter winters
  • Period: to

    French & Indian War

    A war between French and Native Americans, which put Great Britain in debt causing them to increase taxes on American Colonists
  • Proclamation Line

    A line set on after the French & Indian War that put British colonies to the East and French and Native Americans to the West of the Appalachian Mountains and the colonists were angry because they couldn't pass the line
  • Stamp Act

    Tax placed on the American colonies to payback debt from the French & Indian War
  • Stamp Act Congress

    1st meeting with many colonies to discuss their issues with the King of England, drafted a protest, organized a boycott and claimed "taxation w/o representation"
  • Boston Massacre

    Americans were protesting the taxes
    Crispus Attucks "first death of the revolution"
  • Boston Tea Party

    Taxes were put on tea, and then dumped tea into the Boston harbour.
    The sons of liberty were formed to protect the rights of colonist and to fight taxation, and were led by Samuel Adams
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    Set to punish the colonies for their protests
  • First Continental Congress

    12 colonies got together to discuss their problems which was that they didn't want independence but wanted to be back together with Great Britain
  • Battle Of Lexington and Concord

    First battle of the revolution called "shot heard around the world"
  • Common Sense

    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine which basically helped spread the word why the colonies should be indepedent
  • Second Continental Congress

    Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Americans Won, Spain and France backed the rebelling colonies
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    George Washington was the leader
    Many people died because of the conditions and lack of materials
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Frenchmen helped Marquis de Lafayette but surrendered ending the Revolutionary War
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended the Revolutionary War, gave America colonies independence & new boundaries
  • Constitutional Convention

    Thomas Jefferson was the main author, but it also included James Madison, Thomas Paine and John Adams
  • The Great Compromise

    Small states plan wanted one vote per state
    Big states wanted to have more representatives than smaller sates
    and then they ended with both (2 senates and proportional representation)
  • 3/5 Compromise

    5 slaves only counted as 3 slaves
  • Federalists Papers

    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and James Jay wrote this to explain the constitution which had recently been released
  • Anti-Fedaralist

    Patrick Henry,Samuel Adams, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee,Robert Yates, James Monroe and Amos Singletary wrote this because they didn't like the constitution because " it gave too much power to the government"
  • Period: to

    George Washington Presidency

    Set up the president's cabinet (advisors)
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    A protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written, George Washington shut it down with his military
  • Invention of the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invented this and made slaves jobs easier because it separated the seeds of the cotton
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    A treaty signed with Spain to allow the US to trade in New Orleans
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    He wanted them to stay neutral in foreign affair and to avoid political parties
  • Period: to

    John Adams Presidency

    First president to claim a political party and was leader of the federalists party and passed the aliens & sedition act (allowed the central government to imprison you if you were foreign
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    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

    He was a Democratic-Republican, believed states right, fought the Barbary Pirates, first war the US was involved in and was the first time our Navy was used.
  • Louisinia Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson bought it, and doubled the size of the US
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Set up Judicial Review
  • Period: to

    James Madison Presidency

    The War of 1812
  • War of 1812

    United States vs. Great Britain, The Star Spangled Banner was written during the war, the great lakes were an important region and the strong leader was Andrew Jackson
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    Monroe Doctrine was an agreement sent to Europe so they would know they cannot colonize the Americas
  • Mercantilism

    It was a system between Great Britain and it's colonies, America had the raw materials and then sold the finished product to the colonies
    Americans felt violated because they couldn't really trade with other countries