Giver Vocabulary by Janice Vega

By jvega12
  • Utopia

    Utopia (noun): an ideal community or perfect society.
    Example: Tianna's community is an example of utopia because everything is clean, organized, and there are rules that help everyone stay in place.
    Antonyms: un-perfect, bad
  • Conformity

    Conformity (noun): The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them.
    Example: A group of students dressed the same, acted the same, liked the same thing, ate the same thing and talked the same way this is known as conformity.
    Antonyms: different, unique
  • Chastise

    Chastise (verb): to punish or discipline or to punish
    Example:When Kevin was playing baseball in the house,he broke the window with the ball,and he knew he was going to get chastised by his uncle.
    Antonyms: nice, talking
  • Recollection

    Recollection(noun): a memory of an event.
    Example: When Billy came out of the burning house the firefighter asked, ¨Do you have any recollection of who would have burned the house?¨
    Antonyms: discollection, forgeting
  • Vast

    Vast(adjective): huge in size or extent; immense
    Example: Jack when to new york and he saw the twin towers and said, ¨Woah. The building is very vast.
    Antonyms: small, tiny
  • Apprehensive

    Apprehensive(adjective): uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
    Example: Analiese was feeling apprehensive when there was sounds coming out of her closet.
    Antonyms: happy, unafraid