Giver Timeline

  • Baby Gabe

    Baby Gabe
    Jonas and his family receive baby Gabe just to watch for a short time because he doesn't sleep at night and needs some extra help.
  • Sledding

    Jonas gets his first memory which is of sledding in the snow. Jonas was at the top of the hill in the memory and then he starts to slide down the hill going faster and faster in the snow. Jonas feels happy in this memory.
  • Sunshine

    Jonas gets his first memory of warmth. Jonas is outside in the memory and he can feel the sun shining on his skin and warming his whole body.
  • Sunburn

    Jonas receives his first memory of pain which is of a sunburn. Jonas in the memory is outside like the other time and the sun was shining on his skin, but unlike last time the sun hurt it burned all over.
  • Release

    Jonas finds out what being released really is. He watched the video when his dad released a new born. In the video his dad takes the baby and sticks a needle in his head and then the baby dies.
  • Ceremony

    Jonas and the rest of the community go the the ceremony to watch all the young kids move up an age. Jonas then at the ceremony gets the job of Receiver of Memories.
  • School

    Even though Jonas and the rest of the 12's have their job they still have to go school.
  • Training

    Jonas goes to his first training as Receiver of Memories. He meets and talks to The Giver who is the current Receiver of Memories.
  • Memory of Sadness

    Memory of Sadness
    Jonas received his first memory of sadness which is of a Elephant dying. In the memory Jonas was outside when he saw someone driving away in a jeep with tusk on it. H e looked over and saw a elephant leaning over a dead elephant. The elephant reaches up and grabs some leaves with his trunk and coves the dead animal and crying into the air.
  • Leaving Community

    Leaving Community
    Jonas in the end with the Givers help they make a plan to give the memories back to the community. Jonas at night sneaks out, which he broke a rule by doing, with Gabe because they were going to release Gabe. Jonas rode to the river leaving his bike their to make them think he drowned and then rode out of the community so they would get the memories.