Cheyenne gets stolen
Cheyenne's step-mom goes to the store and they leave the guide dog at the house just this one time. While Danielle (Step-mom) is in the store Cheyenne decides to stay in the car for the heater and Danielle leaves the keys in. A guy named Griffin steals the car and doesn't realize he has stolen Cheyenne and when he does he tells her to shutup and keeps on going. Chapter 1 -
Cheyenne attacks Griffin
Cheyenne waited for the car to come to a stop and when it did she clawed Griffin in the face as Griffin threw the car in park and tried to defend himself. Chapter 2 -
Griffin has a "gun"
Griffen threatens to shoot Cheyenne if she didn't shutup by putting a lighter to her head as if it were a gun. Chapter 2 -
Griffin finds out Cheyenne is blind and sick
Cheyenne tlls Griffin not to smoke in her step-moms car because she is sick and he listened. He also found out the girls name was Cheyenne Wilder and that she was blind. Chapter 4 -
Griffin tells them about Cheyenne
Griffin tells his father (Roy) about the stolen car and the kidnapped girl. Roy is fusterated and Jimbo and T.J. meet Cheyenne also. Chapter 6 -
Period: to
Girl Stolen: Dustin White
Roy talks to the dad and asks him for a million dollarrs all in 50 dollar bills. Chapter 21 -
Tj tried to rape Cheyenne
Tj tries to rape Cheyenne but Griffin comes in and saves her. Chapter 23 -
Knocked out Griffin
Cheyenne hit Griffin with a wrench so that she could escape. Chapter 23 -
Cheyenne runs off into the woods.
Cheyenne steals the dog and uses a car antenna to guide her way through the woods. -
Roy pretending the be a cop
Cheyenne finds a cop in the woods who was acually Roy pretending to be a cop and take her back to their house. Chapter 29 and 30