Cheyenne Gets Kidnapped Ch. 1
This random guy named Griffin steals the car without realizing Cheyenne is in the back seat. -
Griffin Finds out whats in the back seat Ch. 1
Griffin doesn't know what to do with Cheyenne, he's scared what his father would think. He tells Cheyenne to stay quiet because he's trying to drive. he knew he couldn't just take the car back either. -
Gets to the House Ch. 5
Roy is furious that Griffin was so dumb not to know if there was a person in the back seat. Roy is Griffins father. -
Period: to
Girl, Stolen
Trys to Escape Ch. 15
Cheyenne trys to escape one time, she asked Griffin could she go to the restroom, she kind of took a while and there's a window in there as well, so Griffin knew she was doing something for taking so long, so he rushes in to find out Cheyenne isnt there he looks out the window but doesnt see her, so as he walks out to go look for her, Cheyenne sneeze's from the shower tub, so she gave her self up. -
Roy's Drunk Ch. 13
Roy gets home one night, and he comes all drunk, and anger cause he see's Cheyenne in the living room, he decides to throw her cane in the stove so she wouldn't get out and find a way to escape. -
Good Friends Ch. 18
Cheyenne & Griffin have became kind of close, she trust him over any of the other guys in the house, one time when TJ was trying to mess with her Griffin came and punched him, and protected Cheyenne and told her he would never leave her again. He cooks for her as well. -
Griffin finds Cheyenne in Foresest Ch. 27 & 28
When Griffin finds Cheyenne in the woods he trys his best to get her as far as she could but then Griffin gets his ankle hurt so then he tells her to just kepp going or they'll catch up. As griffin is just sitting there in the freezing weather TJ & Jimbo come along, they didnt want to help Griffin, and TJ & Jimbo got into an agrument and TJ shot Jimbo! -
Cop finds Cheyenne Ch. 30
Cheyenne thinks a cop finds her but when she gets into his car, she notices that the smell she knew smelt excatly like roy's car. So as soon as she found out she found a gun in the car and shot him, and got into the driver's seat to try to drive away from him. -
Cheyenne Escapes Ch. 24
Cheyenne escapes as soon as TJ JImbo and Roy leave, Griffin was sleeping and so Cheyenne got up and walked around found a wrench to hit Griffin in the head. As soon as she did that she wont outside to try walking into the woods she used Duke the dog to help her be her eyes since she's blind -
Griffin Calls Cheyenne Ch 32
When Griffin calls Cheyenne couldnt tlak for long, she knew her parents wouldnt approve of her talking to him even if he helped her or not he still kidnapped her. But Griffin was doing good and He said he was going to calll Cheyenne back soon.