Compromise of 1850
The south gets the fugitive slave law which they agreed on. This was proposed by Henery Clay. So North get s called as a free slave state which made this compromise they had some slave free states. -
Daniel Webster
Endorces Henry Clay's Compromise and believed slavery should not be extended into territories. -
Fugitive Slave Act
There is no exact date to when it happened but slaves can not have trial by jury. can not test on their own be half. Anyone helping slaves would be fined and jailed. -
Kansas Act
Published the idea of popular sover eignty = right to vote slavery. This took place in Nebraska. -
Harriet Beacher Stowe
Contro vertal anti-slavery novel and made people realize the bad things slavery caused. Published uncle toms cabin. -
Bleeding Kansas
This was for the the race to get the majority in Kansas. Pro slavery forces win the majority in Kansas. Rgw -
Harriet Tubman
She freed 300 slaves. Became a conductor of the underground railroads. She did escape slavery to become a leading abolishment but she used the underground railroad to free the slaves. -
John Brown
He was anti slavery and fanatic. He committed the pottawatomie creek massacre. -
Dred Scott vs Sanford
There was not a exact date of when it happened .This was with the court would slaved or enslaved are american citizens so was they could not sue in federal courts. and government had no say in slavery. -
Abraham Licoln Becomes President
He got 40 percent of the votes for the election and was the first republican to become president. He beat Douglas in the election leading up to the civil war.