Period: to
Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Homestead Act Enacted
13th Amendment, Slavery Abolished
Transcontinental Railroad
This is the day in which the final spike was hammered in place and the railroad that crossed the nation (or at least the majority of it) was born. -
15 Chinese Workers Lynched After Riot
Boss Tweed Put in Jail
Whiskey Ring Exposed
On this day, a large group of whiskey distillers were caught trying to defraud the government of taxes and even bribed government officials. This ended with 238 indictments and 110 convictions. -
The Great Railroad Strike
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was when railroad workers' wages were cut a third time in a year and the workers simply had enough. Strikers would not let trains, mostly freight trains, go by until this last wage cut was revoked. -
National American Woman Suffrage Association Formed
Homestead Strike
This strike included an industrial lockout and strike by the workers. The man in charge of the mill hired Pinkertons, a sort of private policing, to try to stop the strike; this unfortunately led to several deaths. -
Pullman Strike
Many workers decided to go on strike against Pullman cars, barring any train with said cars attached to continue on their way. -
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Published
This piece of literary work was used to expose the horrid conditions of the meat packing industry in the hopes of bringing about reforms as to how our food is treated before we receive it. -
17th Amendment Passed
Women granted right to vote