Period: to
The Gilded Age
Completion of The Transcontinental Railroad
This is when the golden spike was driven to signify the first American nationwide railroad. -
Founding of Standard Oil Co.
This is when John D. Rockefeller founded the oil giant, Standard Oil, which controlled 95% of the american oil industry. -
Financial Crisis of 1873
The failure of Jay Cooke and Company, a Philadelphia investment bank. This triggers a nationwide financial panic that leads to an economic depression which lasts until 1879. -
Civil Rights Acr of 1875
Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to guarantee equal use of public accommodations and places of public amusement. It also forbids the exclusion of African Americans from jury duty. -
Bell Creates Telephone
This is when Alexander Graham Bell first said the words "Watson, come over here; I want you" -
Female Lawyers Aloud to Debate at Supreme Court
A major step in womens rights heppened when female lawers were allowed in supreme court -
Edison Invents the Light Bulb
This is the first time that a bulb was cheap enough to produce in bulk. He created the filiment with a peice of cardboard -
Statue of Liberty Unveiled
President Grover Cleavland announces the completion of the Statue of Liberty. -
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
This act was passed to help smaller, non-trust, buisinesses stay in the market. -
Congress Strikes Down Income Tax
It is essentially the title:
Congress Strikes Down Income Tax