Gilded Age

  • Telephone Invinted

    Telephone Invinted
    Invented by alexander graham bell, replaced telegraph
  • Bessemer process Discovered

    Bessemer process Discovered
    The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel
  • OIl in PA

    OIl in PA
    First oil boom in US, made jobs and money
  • HOmestaed act

    HOmestaed act
    Signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862, the Homestead Act encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land.
  • Transcontinental RR

    Transcontinental RR
    2000 mile RR across US built by Immagrants
  • National labor union

    National labor union
    movement that from 1866 to 1873 sought to improve working conditions through legislative reform
  • Typewriter

    MAde writing things easier, gave women a job to do.
  • Airbrake invented

    Airbrake invented
    new railroad industry and invented the first triple-valve air-brake system for railcar use.
  • Standard Oil COmpany started

    Standard Oil COmpany started
    founded by John D. Rockefeller in Cleveland, Ohio in 1870 and got to a monopoly
  • B&O RR strike

    B&O RR strike
    Strikes and protests for raises in wage, put down by state malitias.
  • Lightbulb Invented

    Lightbulb Invented
    Thomas edison perfects the fillament making lightbulb practicle for use
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Turned into a riot when someone threw a bomb at police
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    US reminder of the liberties and freedoms that the country was founded on, created by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
  • Gospel of wealth published

    Gospel of wealth published
    Book written by andrew carnagie
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    law that allowed the U.S. President to set aside lands as national forests.
  • Homestead strike

    Homestead strike
    the more-skilled union members reacted with a strike designed to protect their historic position
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    nationwide railroad strike in the United States
  • Standard oil dissolved

    Standard oil dissolved
    Rockefeller had monopoly so they broke it into 33 smaller companies
  • Phonograph Invinted

  • carnagie sells company to JP Morgan

    carnagie sells company to JP Morgan
    like the title says