Common Sense
The purpose of this pamphlet was to have more people support Indepentdence.The pamphlet sold over 500,000 copies in six months. -
Battle of Sanataoga
The American victory6 ended the British threats to New England and destrord british hopes of am easy victory. It alsom lifted patriot spirits at the time when Washington's army was suffering defeat. -
Declaration of Independence
Congress wasn't certain that it was going to declare independence. On July, 4 1776 the Congress apporved of the Declaration. It was actually signed August 2, 1776.
The colonist were no longer fighting for fair treratment, they were fighing for a new nation. -
Retreat From New York part 2
Befroe he died he said ' I only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country'. -
Retreat From New York
Generals Howe and Cornwallis advanced to New York and tried to trap the Americans in brooklyn. Gerneral Washington responded by holding his ground and when nightfall came he retreated his ground under darkness.
Nathan Hale. Does that name ring a bell? During New York he became a legened. He work as a spy- which is very dangerous. Hale"s job was to try an collect British Battle plans. He got caught and was sentenced to death before he did he said " I only regret that i have one life to lose for -
Valley Forge
December 1777 to June 1778. The winter was vert harsh . They had klittle food, clothes, and supplies, but they made it threw. Baron Von Stewben trained the army, and made them better, June 19,1778 they went to New Jersey , and faught the british . -
British advanced to the south
In December 1178, the British took the city of Savannah and Chasrlestown. The americans decided to do guerrilla tactics ; hit and run attacks. In South carolina Francis Marion was so good at doing guerrilla tactics he got the nickname ' Swap Fox' -
Spain Joins the fight 1779-1781
Spain controlled Spainish Flordia before the Revolutionary War.
Spain wanted Spainsih Flordia back if they helped America. They would provide weapons, and ammunition Spain became America's second alliace. -
Brighter Days
Americans won the Battle atop of Kings Mountain in South Carolina. December 1780, Geberal Nathanael Green took over the Army in the south. Morgan won a key victory at the Battle of Cowpens. -
Yorktown - the final Battle
An American victory that ended the war on October 20, 17881. General Cornwallis left the Carolineas and went north to Yorktown Virginia,and waited for General Herny Cliton who was in the north. American forces under Greene and Commander-in-Cheif George Washinton pursued Cornwallis while French ships surrounded the bay of Yorktown. Cornwallis fought , but Americans won the Battle and the war. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty that ioffical ended the Revolutionary war ended september 3, 1783. It was signed in Paris by John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin. Britain agreed to remove all of its troops from the new nation.n The Untied States of America, including all the land from the Great Lakes on the north to Florida on the south, and from the Atlantic ocean to Mississippi River.