• February Revolution

    Tsarist Regime ousted
  • October Revoution

    The Bolsheviks win the Civil War and ake over the government
  • treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    ended USSR's involvement in the WW!\1
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

  • Weimar Republic declared

    after Wilhelm abdicates
  • Treaty of Versailles

    settles peaces, puts WW1's blame upon Germany, with large sums of reparation with sinks Germany into debt
  • Hitler Joins the DAP

  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin Passes the NEP which ends was communism and allows some property and commerce
  • stalin Becomes General Secretary of State

    Allows him to interact with people, and posiion himself in power
  • Lenin's Testament

    Lenin Criticises party members
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler is arrested and writes Mein Kampf in prison
  • Lenin Dies

    His Testament is repressed by party members, which would later allow Stalin to come into power
  • Trotsky Loses the position as War Commissar

    He is voted out by the Congress
  • Trotsky is Expelled from the Party

    Voted out via Congress, he is removed from the Party and Stalin loses his biggest rival to the power
  • Collectivisation Begins

    Agriculture sector revolutionized in order to fuel the industrialization the congress passed in 1926
  • Period: to

    First Five Year Plan -USSR

  • Period: to

    Russia's Great Famine

    Due to Collectivisation, Famine ensures, and so does mass migration to the cities
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    USA's Wall Street Crashes, affecting Germany, who depends on the USA's aid and loans
  • Reichstag Fire

    Communists are benned in Germany
  • Yezhov Leads the purges

  • Legal System Brought Under Stalin

  • Period: to

    2nd FYP -USSR

  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg

  • Decree Against Terrorist Acts

    Begins the Great Purges under Yezhov, vyshinsky and Yagoda following Sirgei Kirov's assassination
  • Anti Comintern Pact

    signed by Italy, Germany, Japan
  • Munich Agreement

    10 year Non-Agression pact with Germany
  • Period: to

    3rd FYP -USSR

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Germany invades Russia and leads to the occupation of Russia until 1945. The USSR is engaged in War iand is forced to become an Ally
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

  • Stalin Dies

  • Cult of Personality

    is described by Khrushchev in his Secretary Report