Alexis Taylor & Madison Hagaman GHP Project Timeline

  • Create Instagram page

    Create Instagram page
  • Do research and take notes in a Google document on what we would like to post on our page.

    Do research and take notes in a Google document on what we would like to post on our page.
  • Create QR codes to put up around campus to advertise our page and ask people to follow us. We will also share our profile with our classmates

    Create QR codes to put up around campus to advertise our page and ask people to follow us. We will also share our profile with our classmates
  • Follow sustainable brands and organizations that we would like to connect with and support

    Follow sustainable brands and organizations that we would like to connect with and support
  • Check in with group members and ensure everyone is on the same page

    Check in with group members and ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Find pictures to post and/or design our own infographic posts by using Canva or other graphic designing apps

    Find pictures to post and/or design our own infographic posts by using Canva or other graphic designing apps
  • Submit second GHP journal entry

    Submit second GHP journal entry
  • Interact with our followers by answering questions and taking suggestions for content to post

    Interact with our followers by answering questions and taking suggestions for content to post
  • Each group member will take time conducting their individual research pertaining to their assigned role. We will collectively discuss the next posts for the page

    Each group member will take time conducting their individual research pertaining to their assigned role. We will collectively discuss the next posts for the page
  • We will find and share any upcoming sustainable fashion events nearby. We will also post several different sources for our followers to utilize to support local brands, and to donate to support the cause.

    We will find and share any upcoming sustainable fashion events nearby. We will also post several different sources for our followers to utilize to support local brands, and to donate to support the cause.
  • Check in with group members and ensure everyone is on the same pag

    Check in with group members and ensure everyone is on the same pag
  • Submit third GHP journal entry

    Submit third GHP journal entry
  • Maintain Instagram page and ensure that posts are consistent and aligning with our topic. During this time before submitting the final product we will conduct more research and post more infographics, videos, links, etc.

    Maintain Instagram page and ensure that posts are consistent and aligning with our topic. During this time before submitting the final product we will conduct more research and post more infographics, videos, links, etc.
  • Submit final product of project

    Submit final product of project
  • Submit fourth GHP journal entry

    Submit fourth GHP journal entry
  • Create a presentation for our classmates on what we accomplished and learned. We will do this by doing a screen recording of our Instagram page using a voiceover to explain our ideas and how we executed everything

    Create a presentation for our classmates on what we accomplished and learned. We will do this by doing a screen recording of our Instagram page using a voiceover to explain our ideas and how we executed everything
  • Present our GHP project to our classmates. All group members will equally contribute by speaking and explaining our findings to the class

    Present our GHP project to our classmates. All group members will equally contribute by speaking and explaining our findings to the class
  • Provide constructive feedback to at least four of our peers using a form

    Provide constructive feedback to at least four of our peers using a form