Ghost Of War

  • The World Trade Center is hit

    The World Trade Center is hit
    The falling of the Twin Towers is an important event because, it gave Ryan a reason to join the U.S. Army. In addition, this opened up Ryan's eyes to how cruel the world can be.
  • Period: to

    Ghost of War

  • Ryan enlists in the army.

    Ryan enlists in the army.
    Ryan enlisting in the army is important because, this is the start of Ryan's long process of training. In addition, this opens up to the reasoning for people enlisting.
  • Reception

    Reception is a key turning point because, this is one of Ryan's realities that everything he has heard about the army isn't all true. Furthermore, Ryan matters in knowledge of what and how processing is accomplished.
  • A Taste of Death

    A Taste of Death
    Ryan relates to how cruel the war is, by scrapping down a humvee that was destoyed by an explosion. To add, Ryan also acknowledges that he has lost all emotion toward hard subjects of life and death.
  • War Miracles

    War Miracles
    Ryan is told he would be leaving on a month long mission. He and the other soldiers arrive at Abu Ghraib for their mission. The soldiers stationed at Abu Ghraib are soldiers fighting the war.
  • Hard Canvas

    Hard Canvas
    This event takes place in Iraq. There are three Humvees and a M916 in a convoy hauling concrete supplies. Humvees escort two concrete mixers that fill in the degraded parts of the road which becomes hard canvas back to the base to be refilled.
  • Tears

    A sergeant is killed in an explosion. Everyone, especially those who knew him are hurt. But Ryan didn’t get to know him that well and feels hopeless.
  • Best day so far

    Best day so far
    This is a major event because, during this section Ryan explains that he is finally able to go home to his family.In addition, in this chapter we learn Ryan finally finds peace because of the news that he is going back home.
  • Irony

    On the expectation of a few guys on their second tour, the replacements are brand-new to the war. And it's Ryan's and the other soldiers jobs to show them the ropes.
  • Silence and Silhouettes

    Silence and Silhouettes
    Silenece and Silhouettes is important,because Ryan acknowledges that he has is "depressed" from coming back home.Furthermore, Ryan realizes that it is ok to get help in this chapter.
  • Words On Paper

    Words On Paper
    Ryan discovers the hardest part of a combat tour is coming home. But not in literal sense.
  • Ghost Of war

    Ghost Of war
    This is important,because this is when Ryan finally finishes his story. In addition, Ryan got to tell the story that many soldiers wish to tell.