• Period: 5000 BCE to 3000 BCE


    Prehistory begins in 5000 to 3000 and was divided into three phases: Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Age.
    Fire was discovered and people were nomadic
    It is over with the invention of writing.
  • 3000 BCE

    Discovery of writing

    Discovery of writing
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 476

    The Ancient Age

    The Ancient Age goes from 3000 to 476. It ends with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The first great civilizations emerged such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The spoon and the alphabet were also invented.
  • 476

    Western Roman Empire

    Western Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages began in 476 until 1492 with the discovery of America.
    At this time, glasses and gunpowder were invented, the latter in Asia. There was also the Black Death or tuberculosis that killed many people in the world.
  • Period: 1492 to

    The Modern Age

    The Modern Age goes from 1492 to 1789, due to the French Revolution. The economic crisis and situation of misery caused the increase in poverty. There were three great inventions that changed the world, the compass, cartography and firearms.
  • 1493

    Discovery of America.

    Discovery of America.
  • French Revolution

     French Revolution
  • Period: to

    The Contemporary Age

    The Contemporary Age
    It goes from 1789 to the present times.
    In this age, the steamboat, the cinema and many other things were created. One of the most important events in history occurred, the world wars and the wars in Ukraine and Israel.