gettysburg address

  • Introduction of slavery to the United States

    Introduction of slavery to the United States
    In august of 1619 the first ship of african slaves were brought to the U.S. On the first ship there was an estimate of 350 slaves brought to the U.S. Once the slaves were on the ship in Africa they had to cram as many slaves on the ship as possible. There were quite a lot of slaves that died on the way to the united states.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was written on july 4th 1776. This day is now known as the 4th of july to celebrate our independence. They wrote the declaration to explain to foreign nations why the colonies chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain. There are 56 signatures on the declaration.
  • Abolitionist movement

    Abolitionist movement
    The abolitionist movement went from 1830-1870. The reason for the movement was try to end the practice of slavery. The movement lead to the start of the civil war. The movement went on and in 1850 they passed one of the most controversial laws in the fugitive slave act that let all run away slave return to there owner.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act was passed in 1850. This law allowed all run away slave to be returned to their owner. This law is known as one of the controversial laws passed in the 19th century. This act just destroyed the plans of the abolitionist movement.
  • Southern States secede // North’s response

    Southern States secede // North’s response
    On december 20th 1860 the south separated from the north and tried to start their own country. Well this did not go very good for either side. Mainly because the south needed to find a leader and the civil war was about to start in the response of them leaving. This was a problem for the north because they were a lot of city people and they did not know how to fight as well as the country people in the south,
  • Beginning and ending of the civil war

    Beginning and ending of the civil war
    The civil war started on April 12th 1861. There were 750,000 people that died in the civil war. There were 50 major battles in the civil war. There were 2 major generals. The one for the union was Ulysses S Grant. For the confederates it esd Robert E Lee. The ending of the civil war was on April 9th 1865.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    This battle is so important because it was the first battle of the civil war. This battle was fought on April 12th and 13th of 1861. The battle was fought because Lincoln sent out a plan to resupply the fort. The confederate heard this and General P.G.T. Beauregard bombarded Fort Sumter.
  • Gettysburg Address (1863)

    Gettysburg Address (1863)
    Abe Lincoln delivered the gettysburg address on November 19th 1863. The reason the gettysburg was written and said is because Abe Lincoln wanted to give the United States a new birth of freedom. The address took Lincoln 2 minutes to say the whole speech. The address only had 272 words in it, so it would not take him super long to give the speech.
  • Reconstruction

    Why did we have reconstruction? The reason we had the reconstruction era is so the north could bring the southern states back into the full political participation in the union. This ment helping the south built their cities backup.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    On april 9th 1865 the union and the confederate generals met in a courthouse in appomattox virginia. The reason that the generals met there is so that the confederate general Robert E Lee could surrender to the union general Ulysses S Grant. When Lee surrendered to Grant, Grant was very nice to the confederates. He let them keep their horses and cattle, but they had to give all of their guns to the union.