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Germany Timeline 1918-1933

  • End of WW1 and creation of the Weimar Republic

     End of WW1 and creation of the Weimar Republic
    The Kaiser of Germany abdicated the throne and Germany became a republic. The new government was nicknamed the Weimar Republic as it was set up in a city called Weimar. They introduced a new way of democratically governing as part of the Weimar Constitution
  • Sparticist uprising

    Sparticist uprising
    Communist group set up by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, They feared that the government would build germany around a capitalist profit making economy that benefited the rich substantially more than that of the poor. In January 1919, workers were protesting throughout Germany. The Sparticist tried to turn this into a revolution. Eventually however were stopped by the FREIKORPS.
  • Signing the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing the Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was considered a Diktak by many germans and this led to them thinking that they had been stabbed in the back by their own government. Some term included 132 billion gold marks to allied powers, loss of land like Alsace lorraine and the war guilt clause which meant they had to accept blame.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    The kapp putsch was mainly comprised of Ex military officers who were upset by the TOV which had caused many army men to loose their jobs. They decided to march into Berlin and storm the government, They were stopped by workers who held. a strike stopping their supplies and movement
  • Hyper inflation

    Hyper inflation
    With the occupation. of the Ruhr and rising poverty the government of Germany decided to solve their problems by printing more money however this led to rapid hyperinflation which caused the whole of Germany into suffering.
  • Period: to

    Invasion of the Rhur

    They asked to suspend payments until economy recovered but allies refused In 1922 germany failed to make full payment so in january 1923 france and belgium invaded the Ruhr was a key industrial area and the allies seized all the industrial goods for themselves. The ruhr occupation was sparked in anger around germany and civil disobedience in Ruhr also happened
  • Munich Putsch

    Munich Putsch
    Hitler marched in to convince Von Kahr to support his movement and to install general Ludendorff as head of germany however it failed when Ludendorff allowed the heads of the Bavarian government to go back and under the false pretence of them saying that everything was fine to their wives they called the Bavarian police force to stop the Putsch that happened the next day.
  • Creation of the new currency

    Creation of the new currency
    Streesman created the rentenmark with a value linked to gold this enabled the people of germnay to trust in the currency again and for the economy to recover.
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan
    The Dawes plan was a plan for USA to lend 800 million gold marks to germany
    This would help give more people confidence in the economy
    Reparations were separated into instalments to make payments easier.
    Germany relied too heavily on the USA meaning if the US economy suffered then Germany would too (Foreshadowing)
  • Lorenco Pact

    Lorenco Pact
    To accept the new borders from the treaty of versailles and to not use force against their neighbouring countries
    This helped them not get invaded by their neighbouring countries
    Led to them joining the league of nations due to countries trusting them more.
  • Kelliong-Briand Pact

    Kelliong-Briand Pact
    The Kellogg-Briand pact was a attempt made by germany to strengthen diplomatic relations Agreement between 62 countries includes Germany itself to settle disputes by talking and over meetings instead of fighting.This was a sign that Germany was accepted into the world more theWeimar republic was well respected and Germany wa s a centre at world politics
  • Wall street crash

    Wall street crash
    The wall streeet crash was when the american economy crashed due to the wall street crashed and this effected the wide population of the world as many countries relied on america and this caused worldwide disturbance.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor of germany
    Von Schleicher eleted Von papen to head up the government yet during the votes their seats in the Reichstag fell and nazi popularity gained.
    During second vote while nazi vote fell still biggest party. Hindenburg did not agree with von Schleicher to give him special powers request and he lost support of reichstag. Hindenburg reluctantly appointed hitler as chancellor