
Germany's Road to War (WW2)

  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    One of the treaties signed at the end of WW1. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allies. Signed exactly 5 years after the assasination of the Archeduke Franz Ferdinand. It was a treaty many concerning Germany. It blamed Germany for causing war and charged them with reparations, disarmament, and other sanctions. Signed by the allies but Germany wasn't even invited to the meeting. This created much resentment amongst Germany and all her people.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    First major step into power. Prompted by two influencial poititians, Franz Von Papen and Alfred Hugenberg. Paul Von Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to appoint Hitler as Chancelor. Hitler had insisted on the ministerial positions as a sure way gain power/ control over the police of much of Germany.
  • Hitler Reintroduces Conscription

    This was a huge terning point for Germany since it was Germany's development as a new Military Power. Also Britain and France do not react and do not do anything to Germany fearing that if they do act another war would break out.
  • Hitler Withdraws From The League Of Nations

    On this date Hitler anounces Germany's withdrawl from the League of nations (LON). Many Germans associated the League with the despised Treaty of Versailles and supported Hitler's decision. This anabled Hitler to move free from the leagues control and act more freely and independant, nobody telling him what to do.
  • Anglo-German Naval Treaty

    Anglo-German Naval Treaty
    This was an agreement between Britain and Germany regulating the size of the German navy in relation to the Royal Navy.
    Hitler Benefited from this British attempt to control German naval expantion. It also limited the size of ships Germany was allowed to possess
  • Germany Remilitarises the Rhineland

    Germany Remilitarises the Rhineland
    German Army finally retakes and invades the Rhineland. This came without any sort of negotiation and also in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. It increased rearmament and also Hitler saw the invasion of the Rhine as a major gamble but in the end he won and his gamble paid of
  • Germany Occupies and Annexes Austria

    Germany Occupies and Annexes Austria
    Hitler took advantage that Italy was now sympathetic and took this oportunity with favourable circumstances to insist on Nazi government in Austria which called for German annexation. This stuation increased the power of Germany and allowed for Germany to have somewhat of territorial gains. It was also a grand ego boost for Hitler.
  • Hitler and Chamberlain Meet.

    Hitler and Chamberlain Meet.
    Chamberlain managed to persuade France and Czechoslovakia into accepting a settlement over the Sudatenland germans. he later flew to Germany to tell Hitler. Hitler had made threatening speeches but lost the initiative to Chamberlain. Hitler agreed to a deal and successfuly managed to manipulate Britain into taking the lead in Satisfying German grievances.
  • Hitler Takes the Sudatenland

    Hitler Takes the Sudatenland
    Hitler accepts Italian mediation at a conference which was held in Munich. Britain and France accept German terms and finally the Sudatenland is taken over by Germany. Rearmament still continued and now it increased. This victory gave Hitler confidence and made him want to take even graeter risk. Hitler was confident now that he could get his way.
  • Europe Arms Race and Nazi Radicals

    Europe Arms Race and Nazi Radicals
    Europe is now ingaged in an arms race. Germany has continued rearmament (which by now had been acelerated) and German army has become very strong. There is also strong Antisemitism in Germany. By March 1939 the rest of Czechoslovakia is taken. Slovakia had now become a Right wing puppet state.
  • The Final Step

    The Final Step
    Germany now decides to occupy Memel, Lithuania. There are demands for the polish corridor. Hitler Has signed a non agression pact with the USSR and now has Polish territory in mind. The planning began for the polish invasion taking the USSR non agression pact into account. on September 1st 1939 Germany invaded Poland and the war in europe began. After this WW2 would truley begin.