Germany Project

  • Economic Fact 2

    Economic Fact 2
    By 1900's, Germany had the largest economy in Europe, which was a factor that played a major role in its entry to W1 and WW2
  • Economic Fact

    Economic Fact
    Once World War 1 ended, Germany faced lost of colonies and land to neighbors and had to pay large reparations due to Treaty Of Versailles.
  • Hitler Rearming

    Hitler Rearming
    One of the conflicts that occurred in Germany was when Hitler re-armed his military with weapons. This caused conflict due to him breaking the terms of Treaty of Versailles.
  • Germany's Defeat

    Germany's Defeat
    Spring of 1945, the Soviets were approaching the German capital of Berlin from the East. Western Allies were approaching it from the west. Knowing that defeat was imminent, Hitler committed suicide, leaving Karl Donitz to carry out the surrender of the Nazis. During the final weeks of the Third Reich and the war in Europe, many civilians, government officials and military people throughout Nazi Germany committed suicide.
  • Economic Fact 3

    Economic Fact 3
    Germany was cut between the two global blocs in the East and West, it was known as the Division of Germany.
  • Three political changes since 1945

    Three political changes since 1945
    -East and West German paths to reconstruction
    • The development of consumer society and the welfare state
    -New social and political movements that opposed the postwar status
  • Map Of Germany

    Map Of Germany
  • Current political and economic status of Germany

    Current political and economic status of Germany
    Democratic, Germany is top of economic power in Europe and the fourth globally. Germany has 16 states or provinces, which have local governments and legislatures that enjoy considerable decentralization in relation to the Federal Government. The economy of Germany is a highly develop social economy market. It has the largest national economy in Europe. In 2016, Germany recorded the highest trade in the world worth $310 billion, making it the biggest capital exporter globally.