
Germany project

  • 3 economic facts in Germany #1

    3 economic facts in Germany #1
    Hitler promised to rebuild German military he was trying to gain power he wanted to improve the German economy public work problems and reduce un employment. When he was gaining chancellor he was gaining more and more power
  • 3 political changes #1

    When hurler appointed in January 1933 Germany was a democracy had fair elections nobody had the right to vote there were nemerous of political party's.
  • 3 political changes #2

    On July 14 1935 a law was passed making it legal to farm a new political party it also made the nazi party the only legal political party in Germany
  • 3 political changes #3

    3 political changes #3
    When hitler had killed himself in April 30 1945 that's when everything and all the problems went away the and also the soviets got all there records back
  • Current political changes #2

    Current political changes #2
    Germans had welfare and German welfare state was good designed when the country had very low unemployment and higher birth rates now unemployment is low percent and lower wadges
  • Current political changes #3

    Germans social befits were better then back when hitler was in control compared to now how ? Added 40 percent to cost of each worker a killer in economy were jobs must be main priority. In one addition one quarter of Germany budget is how spent on debt
  • Conflicts #1

    Conflicts #1
    The Germans reich was the official name of German nations on account of the annexation into the states administration durring the war.
  • Conflict #2

    Conflict #2
    The allied-occupation Germany upon the defeat of nazi Germany in World War II the victory allied powers asserted over all the territory 4 powered divided Germany into 4 occupation zones.
  • 3 economic facts #2

    3 economic facts #2
    On the nazi system was a strong anti-semetic beliefs toward the Jews because hurler felt the Jews had most of the problem and Germany and also the defeat of World War I
  • Economic facts #3

    Economic facts #3
    Hitler began to send the Jews to camps because he felt they were the blame. He sent all the Jews in Germany to labor camps to work and work and some would die while working or the nazis would think they were useless and just send them to the gas chamber alive.
  • Current political changes in Germany #1

    Over the last decades since butler was in control benefited from a generous social contract high wadges and short working hours do to the face of low economic government.