Germany Moves Into the World War

  • Germany Takes over Austria

    Germany Takes over Austria
    Anschluss was the propaganda term for the invasion of Austria into Nazi Germany
  • Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia
  • Munich Agreement Signed

    Munich Agreement Signed
    -Signed by the French Premire, Daladier, and the British Prime Minister, Chaimberlain
    -Sudetenland was handed over to Germany without a fight
    -Criticized by Winston Churchill. He believed it was appeasement, or giving up on principles to pacify aggression
  • German Troops Invade the Remainder of Czech

    German Troops Invade the Remainder of Czech
  • Germany Starts to Invade Poland

    Germany Starts to Invade Poland
    -Spring of 1939
  • Nonaggression Pact

    Nonaggression Pact
    -Stalin signs the Nonaggression Pact was where Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to take no millitary action on each other.
  • Germany Bombs Poland

    Germany Bombs Poland
    -Bombs from the air
    -Used a tactic called blitzkrieg, or lightning warfare
  • War is Decalred

    War is Decalred
    France, Britain, and Poland agree to declare war on Germany together.
  • Stalin Pushed into Finland

    Stalin Pushed into Finland
    -Stalin sends Soviets to Finland, and within three months the Finn's surrender.
  • Hitler Launches Another Invasion

    Hitler Launches Another Invasion
    Hitler launches a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway
  • Hitler Seizes Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Hitler Seizes Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg
  • Hitler Gives France Terms of Surrender

    Hitler Gives France Terms of Surrender
    -Germany was given the northern part of France
    -French general, Charles de Gaulle fled to England and set up a government-in-exile
  • Germany Attacks Britain

    Germany Attacks Britain
    -Luftwaffe, or German air force, bomb Britain from the air while the navy attacked the boarders
  • Britain's Air Force Overpowers Luftwaffe

    Britain's Air Force Overpowers Luftwaffe
    -Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) shoot down 185 German planes.
    -Six weeks later Hitler calls off the Great Britain invasion