German flag

Germany Ultranationalism

  • Period: to


    2 Sides:
    the Triple Entente: France, Britain, Russia
    the Triple Alliance: Germany, Austrai-Hungary, Italy Occured due to tensions in Europe escalating because each nation sought to promote its own interests
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    Made to look as if it was completely Germanys fault. Germany lost a lot of its military power, lost parts of land, and was forced to pay a huge sum of money.
  • France invades Fuhr Valley

    France invades Fuhr Valley
    France believed that Germany couldnt pay their repirations anymore so they invaded Germanies Fuhr Valley so they could get resources themselves. This resparked Germanies nationalism and hostilities toward the French increased.
  • Collapse of the Stock Market

    Collapse of the Stock Market
    The Collapse of the Stock Market devastated the economy and was a key factor in beginning the Great Depression. On Thursday, October 24, 1929, stock prices plummeted and a huge number of people were selling their stocks. The drops continued to occur and on October 29th alone over 16.4 million stocks were sold.
  • Adolf Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany by president Paul Von Hindenburg in order to keep Hitler and the Nazi party in control. In a year and 7 months of being Chancellor, Hitler used Hindenburgs death to become the supreme ruler.
  • Kristallnacht "Night of the Broken Glass"

    Kristallnacht "Night of the Broken Glass"
    On November 9th and 10th Nazis burned down Jewish buisnesses and homes, and assaulted Jews physically. Many synagogues were destroyed and raided. Many Jews themselves ere injured, killed, or sent to concentration camps.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. The Germans surrounded the Polish and attacked from every direction. The Germans broke through the Polish defence with mor than 2000 tanks and 1000 planes.
  • France and Britain declare war on Germany

    France and Britain declare war on Germany
    Britain and France declare war on Germany after their allies Poland were overun by the Germans. The first casualty after this declaration however was not German, it was British. The Germans sunk a British ocean liner.