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Ultranationalism in Germany

  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    When all German states affiliated, they were behind France and British in economics, technology, and politics. The war was a result of the conflict with German and France over who would gain control over Spain. France won the war.
  • Period: to

    Germany and Britain Economic Rivalries

    The British navy was key to Britains economic success. Therefore in order to gain econmpic success aswell, Germany developed a more powerful navy which threatened the Britains stability, economically and militarially.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The Triple Entente (France, Britain, Russia) were successful in the war, Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) were not. Germany failed to assert its place in European politics. Tension grew between nations because each of them wanted the most powerful to benefit their national interests.
  • Treaty of Versaille

    Treaty of Versaille
    The Triple Entente wanted to eliminate any future threats that Germany would cause and therefore created the treaty. Since the Triple Entente were victorious, the treaty was also their way of expressing their national interest but humilitating Germany.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    Hitler held a strong belief that all Aryan people deserved the highest standard of living. With lots of support from the Germans, he argued that it was essential for Germany to regain their great status, and to set them free from the Treaty of Versaille.
  • Invasion of Nazi party

    Invasion of Nazi party
    The Nazis paid no attention to the Treaty, and Britain and France were too busy dealing with their own economic issues to stop the growing Nazi power. The result of this was that France and Britain followed appeasement since what the Nazis were doing didnt conflict with them.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Germany saw that Britain and Frances economy was weak because of the Great Depression, and so they remiliatarized Rhineland and united all German speaking people. Britain and France didnt do anything about it. Therefore Germany had nothing holding them back and could easily start a war.
  • World War ll

    World War ll
    Hitler wanted more land, and had a belief that it is okay to take land away from "lesser" countries. Germany invaded Austria, and Czechoslovakia. The next step was to invade Poland. Polands army was no match for Germany and because of that they were defeated. Britain and France were finally on alert and gave Hitler an Ultimatum to take their forces out of Poland, or they would declare war. Germany didnt follow their orders and that marked the beginning of the War.