
German Unification Timeline

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    Napileon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon took german lands. Germans were half and half on Napoleon and some accepted him and others didnt. the people of germany wanted to unify it.
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    Congress of Vienna

    It was a congress that reorganized eroupe. they were ambassators of europian states. they wanted long term peace for europe by calming down issues from the French Revolution.
  • Otto Von Bismarck's Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck's Birth
    he was born in Schönhausen, Germany.
  • Zollverein

    It was a German customs Union that was a groupe of all the german states. they were formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories.
  • Fredrick William 4 is offered the throne

    Fredrick William 4 is offered the throne
    He was offered a throne of a united german state at a librals meeting. the prussian ruler did not want the throne offered to him from the people.
  • Frankfurt Assembaly Demands unity

    Frankfurt Assembaly Demands unity
    first parlement elected freely for all of germany. the made the Frankfurt Constitution.
  • Bismarck becomes prime minister

    Bismarck becomes prime minister
    He had 11 years of foreign affaires so in 1862, King William I made Bismarck prime minister.
  • Blood and iron speech

    Blood and iron speech
    This speech was given to unify the german territories. It was given by Otto Von Bismarck.
  • Bismarck declares war on Denmark

    Bismarck declares war on Denmark
    It was a war with the provices of Schlegwig and Holstein from Denmark. he had an allience with Austria and the end he won and took control of them.
  • Bismarck declares war on Austria

    Bismarck declares war on Austria
    It was fought between the german confederation and the kingdom of prussia.It was won by Prussia and was called the third independance war.
  • William 1 of Prussia becomes emperor

    William 1 of Prussia becomes emperor
    After winning the war against the french the princess from north and south germany persuaded him into becoming emperor.
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    Campaign against the socialists

    Bismarck feared that socialists would sabotage the loyalty of german workers and have them start a revolution. he had passed a law that took out all socialist groups.
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    Franco Prussian war

    It was a war bettween the German and the French Prevoked by Otto von Bismark so southern states would ally with them.
  • constitution drafted by Bismarck

    constitution drafted by Bismarck
    This constitution set up two house legistrature. The Bundersrat and the Reichstag. the uper house (Bundersrat)could veto any of the lower houses decisions (Reichstag).
  • House of krupp

    House of krupp
    it was a huge industrial complex that produced steel and weapons.
  • economic development

    economic development
    the german government issued a curency and the states built railrodes for trade. this helped maintain an economic strenght and power.
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    Population growth

    The middle class and the eucated proffesionals helped make an effective society which prided itself on defence against authority and responsibility which made a rapid population growth. in 1871 there were 41 million and in 1914 there were 67 million.
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    The catholics were a threat to germany so bismarck launched a battle for civilization. they wanted the catholics to put loyalty to the state above loyalty to the church.
  • Second reich is created

    Second reich is created
    When William 1 became emperor the german nationalists celebrated the birt of the second riech.
  • Bismarck becomes chancellor

    Bismarck becomes chancellor
    Bismarck enforced his policy on blood and iron to bring the German states under Prussian control.
  • William 2 becomes Kaiser

    William 2 becomes Kaiser
    he achived his grandpa as Kaiser and he was an ineffective leader during the world war.
  • Bismarck resigns

    Bismarck resigns
    when William 1 passed William 2's diffrences with Bismarck forced him to resign.