german unification--loreto

  • before unification

    before unification
    this have not been the first intention of do it before on 1700 s the holy roman empire was formed during the napoleonic wars making its name the german kingdom of all germanizes leading to its dissolution making new and small puppet states for the french empire like Bavaria Oldenburg Hesse
  • map of Europe before napoleonic wars

    map of Europe before napoleonic wars
    this is an example of how unorganized Europe was seen hundreds of small countries on it
  • Period: to

    the born of nationalism in germany

    during the unification Germany begin to do it by nationalism and napoleonic system the idea of nationalism was of one Germany for germans and ideas to became a great empire also being patriotic to their country and to unify the german empire also the ideas of napoleonic ideas were used to say all man are equal and to have equality on Germany also bring law and justice to every people on the regime.
  • Period: to

    Europe wars

    also the ideology of a united Germany was saw as the defeat of napoleon during napoleonic wars and the unite of all kingdoms for create a new european map also making a new map of Germany uniting some of the regions making all better and making bigger countries on it this is important cause was the idea of equal Europe and unify Germany.
  • the beginning of unification

    the beginning of unification
    Unification was leaded by wilheim on 1871 after the Franco Prussian war but it was really difficult cause of the religious or linguistic cultural differences between every small country incrusted on Prussia the unification was by wars and by alliances making it formal and informal.
  • coat of arms of new german empire

    coat of arms of new german empire
    the coat of arms for the new greater german empire on the unification
  • franco Prussian war

    franco Prussian war
    the franco Prussian war begin cause of the territory and frontline dispute for the region of Alsace Lorena also for the authority of the german countries of Hesse and the rhineland also wutenburg frontier was involved leading on a huge war between powers.
  • Period: to

    otto von Bismarck ideas of nationalism

    also in 1886 otto von Bismarck the prime minister of Prussia had the idea of a unification and the creation of a country named greater Germany were he think that its time for Germany to becoming a new and powerful empire this was how the idea of a german unification complete counting east Germany was make cause the holy roman empire doesn't prolongue and accept the Prussians.
  • the unify complete

    the unify complete
    the unification was an important movement by arms or by ideology german unify together making a new greater power in Europe and a nation that begin to rivalizate against the old power morning a problem from european powers leading to ww1.
  • begin of european tensions

    begin of european tensions
    thanks to the unification Germany prosper and growth in a high level never seen making great powers like Britain and France get kind of scared about what is becoming the german empire
  • the german expansion

    the german expansion
    Germany prosperation make the muckily concentrate on the world making with the idea of expand their land and in all the world but when to many nations on the world it was really difficult to do it.
    beginning germany tensions.