Napoleon invades German Lands
In the war of Napoleon invadeing purrsia he was first seen as a help to Germany and to some he was seen as an invader -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna is a confrence of states -
Otto Von Bismarck Birth
He was born in Schonhausen Germany -
The Zollverein is a bunch of German states that formed and managed the economy -
Frankfurt Assembley demands unity
In the assembley electives wrote or made a constitution for Germany -
Frederick William IV is offered the throne
Frederick William IV became king because his father passed away in 1840 -
Bismarck becomes prime minister
Bismarck had a lot of expirence when he was a ambassador and sice he had this expirence he became prime minister -
Blood and Iron speech
This speech is about the unification of Germany -
Bismarck declares war on Denmark
Bismarck wanted to gain the German speaking territories -
Bismarvk declares war on Austria
Bismarck wanted to gain the territories of the German speaking territories and he succsseded -
Franco Prussian war
Bismarck sirred tension with both France and Prussia by editing a telographic message from William I to make both counrties feel insulted. -
Second Reich is created
The German Empire variously referred to as Imperial Germany, German Reich/Realm, Second Reich and also (unofficially) as Germany, was the historical German nation state that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II in November 1918, when Germany became a federal republic. It was a predecessor of today's Germany. -
Constitution drafted by Bismarck
Bismark drafts constitution.people call it Bismarcks imperial constitution. -
Population growth 1871-1914
In thh years 1871-1914 there was an increse of population by 26 million people -
Campaingn against the church
Most of the people in Germany were Cathaolic and the all moves that were made did not work on the Church -
Bismarck becomes chancellor
Bismarck as a chancellor successfuly preserved the peace in Europe -
William I of Prussia become emperor
William became emperor of the Germans and was given that name by Bismarck himself because William wanted a different name but th ename he wanted was not fitting for him because the name was The Emeror of Germany and he diidnt own parts of Germany so the decided the name the The Emeror of Germans. -
Campaign against the socialists
Bismarck tried to push laws agains the socialists -
House of Krupp
The Krupp House is a industry where all the military weapons would be made for battle ships Ex:Cannons