congress of vienna
the congress of vienna was formed in 1815.it was formed once Napoleon was defeated to redraw the line borders of Europe -
Frankfurt assembly and reinstatement of German Confederation
the frankfurt assembly was held in 1848 which helped create a single unified nation.a argument had come up between two parties and the german confederation was reinstated -
Young Italy
in 1848,Young Italy was a nationalist group, led the revolutions of 1848.This group believed in the risorgimento movement and this helped the minds of the italians while fighting -
italian rebellion against austria
2 northern italian states joined in a rebellion against austria domination. france helped italy and in return got provinces. Several other southern italian states and finally created a unified italy in 1870 -
death of king Wilhelm
years after the reinstatement of the german confederation, King Wilhelm I died and Otto Van Bismarck was appointed Prime Minister a year later -
prussian austrian war
bismarck figured they would go to war with prussia and austria, which made him make an alliance with italy. tis made it so italy would help prussia in a war with austria. Bismarck led troops into austrian territory and at the thing thing came when he proposed a unified germany without austria. with italy's help and bismarck's tactics they win the war -
franco prussian war
bismarck need a conflict to unify all of germany. he combined military from northern and southern states and prussia defeated austria. they took land from france and made them mad with the treaty of frankfurt -
unification of germany
the victory in the franco prussian war gained support of the german people and bismarck could unify germany