Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna formed the German Confederation, a loose alliance of 39 German states that couldn't do much politically individually. This was created to replace the destroyed Holy Roman Empire. This was only created to defend themselves, and couldn't do much politically because it wasn't too powerful. -
Frankfurt Assembly
In 1848 the Frankfurt Assembly was held, which created a single unified nation-state. A disagreement between the radical and moderate liberals of Germany arose, and the German Confederation was reinstated. -
Revolutions of 1848
In 1848, Young Italy, a nationalist group who believed in risorgimento, led the Revolutions of 1848. The ideas of risorgimento had existed in the 1820s and 1830s, but never amounted to anything before this. These revolutions and the risorgimento stayed in the minds of Italians, and these ideas led to the later rebellions against Austria. -
Death of King Wilhelm I and Appointment of Otto van Bismarck as Prime Minister
10 years after the reinstatement of the German Confederation, King Wilhelm I died, and one year later, Bismarck was appointed Prime Minister of Prussia. Bismarck wanted a strong German Empire based not on liberal ideals, but on the use of military force. -
Italian Rebellion against Austria
In 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont, an Italian kingdom, joined several other Northern Italian states in a rebellion against Austrian domination. This forced Austria to recognize Italian independence. Italy got lots of help from France, and in return Italy gave the provinces of Nice and Savoy to France. Several other southern Italian states launced their own rebellions and finally created a unified Italy in 1870. -
Danish War
In 1864 Prussia and Austria joined forces and issued an ultimatum to Denmark demanding territory or face military action. Denmark received no help from other European forces and lost to the combined forces. Austria and Prussia split up the lands obtained. -
Prussian Austrian War
Bismarck had predicted war between Austria and Prussia, and made an alliance with Italy promising Italy would help Prussia in a war with Austria. Bismarck ordered his troops into Austrian territory, then, came when Bismarck proposed a unified Germany, without the inclusion of Austria. The other German states didn't help Prussia in the war, but with Bismarck's military genius and Italy's help, they won the war. After the war Prussia formed the North German Confederation in 1867. -
Franco-Prussian War
Bismarck needed to create a conflict to unify all of Germany once and for all. Bismarck stirred up nationalistic feelings and the combined forces of the Northern and Southern states and Prussia defeated France. They took important land from the French, and punished them with the Treaty of Frankfurt. This created hostile feelings between the French and Germans. -
Unification of Germany
The victory in the Franco-Prussian war gained the support of the German people and Bismarck could finally unify all of Germany. The constitution of the new German State was mostly the same as the Northern German Confederation, with a few minor changes.