German Unification

  • Speech to the Frankfurt Assembly

    It is trying to show the support for Prussia and what Prussia has and can do for Germany.
  • The proclamtion of Friedrick Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia

    It is trying to show that Friedrick didn't want to do what everyone did for the government
  • Letter to Minister von Manteuffel

    It is saying that Austria will stay it's own state and not Germany because Austria likes to be it's own state and not be apart of any other state
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

    It is telling you that Germany went to war that was caused by the people of Germany and that Germany won Hegemoney
  • Otto von Bismarck

    It is saying that Germany doesn't want to hurt Austria because it would be better to become friends again
  • The Imperial Proclamation

    It is showing that the Princes are going to promise peace and harmony for the people of Germany