Portrait of otto von bism 007

German Unification

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    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon wanted to rule the world. He split up German states so some would be under Austrian rule.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The represetitives from different countries in Europe met together to settle issues that came from the French Revoultion that they did not like.
  • Birth of Otto von Bismarck

    Birth of Otto von Bismarck
    Bismarck was born in Germany. He became the German Chancellor later on in life.
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    Also known as the German Custom Union which was formed to manage economic policies.
  • Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
    The throne was offered to a Prussian ruler because the Frankfurt Assembly wanted political unity and justice.
  • Frederick William IV is Offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is Offered the Throne
    Even though William IV was offered the title of German Emperor by the Frankfurt parliament, he refused it.
  • William I of Prussia Becomes Emperor

    William I of Prussia Becomes Emperor
    William I was the first German Emperor. Under his and Bismarck's rule, Germany was unified.
  • Bismark Becomes Prime Minister

    Bismark Becomes Prime Minister
    Bismark becomes prime minister of Prussia in September. Before this, he had had 11 years of foreign experience.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    This speech was given by a man named Otto von Bismarck in 1862. This spech rallied armies to fight for the unification of Germany.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Bismarck Declares War on Austria
    After an alliance, Bismarck declares war on Austria. He succeeded in this, taking control of some Northern German States.
  • Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck Becomes Chancellor
    Bismarck became Chancellor in 1867. He was given the nickname, the "Iron Chancellor" because of his diplomacy.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Denmark

    Bismarck Declares War on Denmark
    Bismarck wanted more territory for Prussia, so he declared war on Denmark.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    Also refeared to in France as the War of 1870. This war against France was necissary to unite Germany. Germany was more powerful in this war, and was victorious.
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    Campaign Against the Socialists

    Bismark saw the socialists as a threat to Germany. Bismark was worried that the socialists would change the loyalty of German workers, leading them to revolt. He had laws passed to shut them down.
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    Campaign Against the Church

    Also called the Kulturkampf, this was launched by Bismark against the church. He wanted Catholics to put loyalty towards the state above their loayalty to their religion.
  • Second Reich is Created

    Second Reich is Created
    Reich is a word that translate to "nation". This is why the German empire is called the German Empire, it is exactly translated. Reich was used as the official name until 1945.
  • Economic Development

    Economic Development
    This deveompent started in 1871. It advanced in science and transportation. Germany also had a large supply of iron and coal.
  • Constitution Drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution Drafted by Bismarck
    Bismarck drafted the Consitution of Germany in 1871. This consisted of Bundesrat (upper half) and Reichstag (lower half).
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    Population Growth

    The population in Germany grew greatly. It started out as 41 million in 1871. This grew to be 67 million in 1914. Population growth helped with the amount of industrial workers.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    This was a steel company that made ammunition and armaments. These materials were used in the Prussian army.
  • William II becomes Kaiser

    William II becomes Kaiser
    He became Kaiser by succeeding his grandfather. He was a powerful leader whose actions shocked Europe.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    Bismarck resigned from his spot of Chancellor in. He only resigned because he was forced to by Kaiser William II.