
German Unification

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    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon was trying to take over the world. Napoleon attacked on the Rhine River in France. He then went into German lands and broke many of them apart.
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    Congress of Vienna

    European powers got together to balance power after the French Revolution. The goal of the congress was to create lasting peace in Europe. They also surronded France with powerful countries in order to prevent rising power in France.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck Birth
    Otto Von Bismarck was born in Schönhausen, Prussia. He would later become the chancellor of Germany.
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    Zollverein was a coalition of German states formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories. Zollverein was created by Prussin rule. It opened free trade in germany and helped with German unification.
  • Frederick William IV is Offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is Offered the Throne
    William IV was offered the throne after his father, the previous king had passed. He ruled Prussia until 1861.
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    Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    The Frankfurt Assembly was the first elected policy for all of Germany. The assembly was part of the German March Revolution. They wanted the priciples of parliamentary democracy.
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    Economic development

    Germany created big companies and built several railways. The house of Krupp was a big part in economic development becasue they produced lots of steel.
  • William I of Prussia becomes Emperor

    William I of Prussia becomes Emperor
    William the I was the first king of Prussia and worked along with BIsmarck. Under his rule Germany was unified.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    Otto Von Bismarck gave this speech regarding the unification of Germany. Bismarck spoke of how the nation had to use military to unify Germany and forget politics.
  • Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister

    Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister
    Otto Von Bismarck became prime minisster of Prussia with Roon and Molkte. Bismarck took charge at a time when relations with great powers were going on.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Denmark

    Bismarck Declares War on Denmark
    Bismarck allied with Austria and Prussia declared war on Denmark for Holstein and Schleswig. Bismarck wanted to annex the areas.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Bismarck Declares War on Austria
    After Bismarck had asked Austria for help defeateing Denmark he then declared war on Austria. This was called the sevens week waar and Prussia won.
  • Constitution drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution drafted by Bismarck
    Bismarck created a constitution including the Federal Council that represented the governments of the North German states. The constitution was in place until 1871.
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    Campaign Against the Socialists

    German Socialists were a threat to BIsmarck becaue he feared the would create a revolution. BIsmarck made laws that prevented veiwing of socialist newspapers and meetings.
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    Franco Prussian War

    The war was needed to unify Germany. Germany was victorius in the war.
  • Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck Becomes Chancellor
    After becoming prime minister Bismarck was appointed to chancellor. He put in place Kulturkampf to help weaken the threat of the catholic church.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    The House of Krupp was a major steal factory. The produced steal and and weapons for a world market.
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    Population Growth

    German society dramatically during this time period. In the twenty years prior to the First World War, the rate of population growth averaged 1.34 percent.
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    Campaign Against the Church (Kulturekampf)

    Bismarck thought that the Catholic church was a threat because they put the church before the state. Bismarck put in place that the state could regulate Catholic education. People of the church rallied against Bismarck.
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    Second Reich is Created

    Bismarck created the Second Reich in the period of unification The Reich reached highest point in the Franco Prussian War. This empire ended with German defeat in World War I.
  • William II Becomes Kaiser

    William II Becomes Kaiser
    William the second became Kaiser after his father passed. He wanted to be the only ruler and forced Bismarck to resign.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    Bismarck was forced to resign when William the II became Kaiser. WIlliam wanted to be the only ruler and beleived it was his right.