German Invasion

  • Under Hitler's Power

    Under Hitler's Power
    Austria and Czechoslovakia fall under Hitlers power. Hitler used to his advantage the conflict between Catholics and Socialists in Austria. Hitler voted a nazi into office in Austria which caused them to be in contol of Germany. When Austria gained power Czechoslovakia bacame scared and signed a treaty with Russia which caused Hitler to go over the top and attack Russia.
  • Germany incorporates Austria

    Germany incorporates Austria
    Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss. At this time, Austria was happy about this because they were partnering with Germany.
  • Complete Evil

    Complete Evil
    Germany and Austrias union was complete.
    - Anschluss : union between Austria and Germany which Hitler demanded.
    Hitler was friends with Mussolini and to get his way promised not to touch Italy and because of this promise Mussolini, the one who was protecting Austria let it fall from being independent right into Germany's hands.
  • Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement

    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement
    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement. the Munich agreement was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    -Thousands of Jewish homes, shopes, towns and building were attacked and destroyed
    - over one thousand Jewish synagogues were destroyed
    - about 400 jews were killed
    - 30,000 Jews out of a total population of 490,000 were taken to Hitlers concentration camps.
  • Czechoslovakia weakens

    Czechoslovakia weakens
    Since Czechoslovakia was left by itself the german troops poured into what remained of the county. This lead to Hitler directing his next attack towards Poland.
  • Stalin Surprises all the other countries by signing the Nonagression Pact with Hitler

    Stalin Surprises all the other countries by signing the Nonagression Pact with Hitler
    Stalin Surprises all the other countries by signing the Nonagression Pact with Hitler. This said that neither leader would attack eachother. Therefore a two-front war was elimanted. In addition, the Soviet Union signed a second, secret pact. This said that Poland would be divided between them.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    The German air force flown over Austria. The air planes were dropping bombs. This was Germany's first time using the Blitzkrieg strategy.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    At Compiegne, Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. Germans would occupy Northern France and a Nazi-controlled puppet government would be set up in Southern France at Vicny. This was the fall of France.
  • Air Force Battle

    Air Force Battle
    The Royal Air Force shot down 185 German planes, but lost only 26 aircrafts, themselves. Six weeks later, Hitler called off the invasion of Britain. Although, civilians in both countries unrelentingly carried on.
  • Other Info

    Chamberlain and Daladier from France and Great Britain met Hitler in Munich and made a promise to protect Czech. Third Reich was often used to describe the Nazi regime in Germany from January 30, 1933, to May 8, 1945.