The Non-Aggression Pact with Poland
Non-Aggression Pact with Poland was a guarantee that there would not be conflict over a period of 10 years, and the border disputes will calm down. This was a safe move from Germany, if Poland had joined Britain and France side, it would've meant to danger, and never unite the main German body in the West and East Prussia. -
The Saar
The Saar is a region located on the West side of Germany. The Saar was in control of the LON for 15 years, due to The Treaty of Versailles. In 1935, the plebiscite was to be held where inhabitants would decide whether they return to Germany or keep their separate identity. The communist and social democrats were in favor of the LON's control, but the Nazi Saar helped by the Saar police and German Gestapo, boycotted and beat up the opponents. Due to 90% of the votes, The Saar returned to Germany. -
The Saar: Analysis
This showed how Hitler would go to an extreme, like beating up opponents, just to get what he wants. This showed how his regime would be: violent and controled. -
Anglo – German Naval Agreement
An agreement held by Germany and Britain, which limited Germany's navy, up to 35% of the size of Great Britain’s Royal Navy based on tonnage. The agreement allowed Germany to more ships than some of the Western Powers and a navy larger than the Treaty of Versailles allowed; as well as building submarines. More ships allowed Germany to transport more iron ore from Scandinavia, which was needed for war production. Italy and France had not been consulted, and went against USSR, making Hitler happy. -
Algo-German Naval Agreement: Analysis
This was a huge step on Hitler' side, to "break" the Treaty of Versailles. Britain, being part of LON, show hypocrisy, and no authority. This made Britain go against USSR, which created tensions between these two countries, which benefited Hitler. -
Spanish Civil War
In July 1936, the Spanish Civil War started and Germany supported the nationalist under General Franco. In September, the Non-Intervention Pact was signed by 27 countries, including Italy, Germany, Britain & France. Germany continued to sand aid, disguised by sending them to Portugal, but they were not the only ones to break this. Hitler thought he would gain an ally to fight against Britain and France, and was interested in metals, however, Spain asked demanded too much, which Hilter refused. -
Goering 4 year plan
The four-year plan came out in 1936 and was implemented by Hermann Goering. Its goal was to make Germany independent, by increasing agricultural production, retrain key sectors of the workforce, government regulate imports and exports, and achieve self-sufficiency in the production of raw materials. Also, helping to support rearmament and rebuild the nation’s military defense. The plan should have been run by the economic minister, Hjalmar Schacht, but Schacht opposed and was removed. -
Remilitarization of the Rhineland
Rhineland had been key industrial region on Germany, producing coal, steel and iron resources; and formed a natural barrier to France. The Treaty of Versailles stated that Rhineland couldn't be occupied by German troops, putting Germany in danger of invasion. In 1936, 22,000 German troops marched into Rhineland. Britain and France were offered a 25 year non-agression Pact, and Germany claimed to not have territorial demands in Europe Due to exterior problems, both Britain and France did not act. -
Remilitarization of the Rhineland: Analysis
This was the major move, that went against he Treaty of Versailles. It was brave, and if this had been stopped or had consequences on Germany, it might had have a great impact on the history of WWII. -
In 1938, the Austrian chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg was pressured by German threats to sign the German-Austrian agreement, which let Nazis into the Austrian Cabinet. Finally, Austria was annexed to the German Reich, which was referred as Anschluss. -
Anschluss: Analysis
This action created tension with Italy, due to Mussolini being scared that it was the border keeping Germany "away", and also his friend was killed. I believe this showed how Germany had expansionism vision, and even though, Britain and France let Hitler do what he wanted. It was major accomplishment for Hitler. -
Sudentenland Annexation
Sudentenland is a piece of Czechoslovakian, which is on the Eastern side of Germany. The Sudeten crisis began when Hitler demanded self-determination for all Germans living in Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten Nazi Party started rioting, so Czechs send an army, until Hitler threat to invade. At the 1938 Munich Conference, Britain and France, without Czech participation, gave Hitler the Sudentenland, and distributed areas to other countries, and called the remains of Czech independent. -
Sudentenland Annexation: Analysis
I believe this was an unfair decision, Britain and France took advantage of their "authority", and decided for another country, to give its land. For Hitler it showed that no matter what, Britain and France didn't give consequences, and he could take more and more, which he did in 1939. -
Czechoslovakia Annexation
In March 1939, German troops went on to occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia. It was declared satellite state, where German troops could be station. Then, they occupied Lithuanian Memel region, an area near the top of Eastern Prussia, which Germany had lost under the Versailles treaty, forcing them to sign a Treaty to return the region to Germany. At this point, it was clear that Hitler will not be satisfied and Britain guaranteed Poland’s sovereignty and promised its support in case of an attack. -
Czechoslovakia Annexation
This was an ambitious move form Germany, this showed their never ending hunger of more territory. This gave Britain and Poland a reason to stay together, which, as we know, started WWII. -
Pact of Steel
The Pact of Steel was signed in 1939, it was an agreement and alliance between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The clauses stated to keep all channels of communication open with each other, pursue a common foreign policy, military and economic support if one of the countries enters a war, to agree before an armistice is signed and maintain good relations with countries that are friendly towards Germany and Italy. And secret protocols like speed up their military and promote the image of the Axis -
Pact of Steel: Analysis
This gave Germany a useful ally, however, as we know, Mussolini and Italian troops weren't know for their good performance, Hitler would always need to clean their mess, it became like a charge in Germany's back. -
German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact
The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact is also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop. Both agree to not attack each other, to not support or join others that might attack either party; to remain in consultation upon questions of their common interests and to solve all differences between the two by negotiation, and separated Europe in spheres of influence. This allowed Hitler to invade Poland without simultaneous fight with the Soviets. When Poland was invaded it was divided between Germany and USSR -
German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact: Analysis
This was a smart move form Hitler's side, it gave his protection against USSR, letting him invade Poland, and not worrying of fighting for both sides. It showed hypocrisy since he had Anti-comintern agreement in 1936, which was an anti-Communist Pact. -
Invasion of Poland
The Polish Corredor, which was established in Versailles, meant the separation between a main German body in the West and East Prussia on the other side. They also "needed" the free city of Danzig as part of the Reich so that the German people could be protected. Hitler tried to negotiate the creation of German highways, offer territory elsewhere as enticement, but Poland denied. Finally, Hilter sent an ultimatum, which Poland didn't sign, and took this as a rejection and invaded. WWII begined. -
Invasion of Poland: Analysis
Germany demanded a lot, which is reasonable why Poland did not accept negotiating. Germany had won over the years his bad reputation, of violent, and always manipulated his treaties, or took advantage of situations, which made impossible negotiating with Poland. Thanks to the annexation of Czechoslovakia, Britain had secured Poland, and told that in case of Germany's invasion, they would fight with them, reason why WWII started.