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German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler Invades Austria

    Hitler Invades Austria
    idk yet hold up
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler invades Czechoslovakia
    idk yet hold up
  • Holocause Started

    Holocause Started
    Hitler started putting blame on Jewish people and started to execute them.
  • Soviet Union declares Neutrality

    Soviet Union declares Neutrality
    Japan and soviet union sign neutrality pact.
  • Stalin and Hitler Signs Non-aggression pact with Hitler

    Stalin and Hitler Signs Non-aggression pact with Hitler
    Hitler and Stalin sign Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact.
  • Blitzkrieg in Poland

    Blitzkrieg in Poland
    Germany uses their attack method to invade Poland.
  • Invasion of Denmark and Norway

    Invasion of Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launches surprise attack on Denmark and Norway known as "Operation Weserübung" during WWII.
  • France and Britain vs Germany

    France and Britain vs Germany
    idk yet hold up
  • Bombs in London

    Bombs in London
    German Planes drop bombs in London. Someone recalls what it felt like to be in that situation near the bomb.