German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler begins planning

    Hitler begins planning
    Hitler arranged a secret meeting with his top military advisors on how to annex Austria and Czechoslovakia
  • The Anschluss of Austria

    The Anschluss of Austria
    Hitler marches his troops through Austria being welcomed with open arms.
  • The Completion

    The Completion
    Hitler announces to the world that its union, or anschluss, has come to a completion
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    Hitler wanted Czechslovakia annexed to gain more land for his people and to gain the materials from the nation. About 3 million German-speaking citizens were living in what is known as the Sudetenland. Hitler began making accusations that the Czechs were abusing Sudeten germans as he marched his troops to the countries border. On September 30, 1938, they signed the Munich Agreement, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired.
  • The Munich Betrayal

    The Munich Betrayal
    Hitler was eager to expand the Third Reich. On March 15th, against the terms of the Munich Agreement, he ordered his troops to march into the remainder of Czechoslovakia, annexing the country.
  • Tension rises over Poland

    Tension rises over Poland
    Hitler accused Poland of mistreating the German-speaking Poles much as he did with Czechslovakia. Many wonder how Russia will react
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    Non-Aggression Pact
    As tension rose over Poland, Stalin made a surprising decision to sign a pact with Hitler stating the two nations shall not become aggressive to one another. Hitler also had made a second, secret pact with Russia stating that both countries shall split Poland. Hitler is no longer worried about fighting a two-front war.
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    The Phony War

    French and British troops lined on the Maginot Line, the border between France and Germany. Troops on both sides sat waiting for the other to attack.
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    Germany began sending its troops into Poland on September 1st. Hitler began using the Luftwaffe, or the German Air Force to bomb military bases, airfields, and railroads. Hitler used this invasion to test his new military strategy named the Blitzkrieg, or the lighting war. This strategy utilized Germany's advanced technology such as fast tanks to surprise the enemy and crush them quickly. Stalin began an invasion of Poland the final week of the war. With Poland annexed, World War 2 had begun.
  • Britain and France intervene

    Britain and France intervene
    Winston Churchill (Britain) and Charles de Gaulle (France) declare war on Germany in defense of Poland
  • Hitler looks north

    Hitler looks north
    Planning to build bases in Denmark and Norway, Hitler planned a surprise attack on both nations with the promise of protecting their freedoms.
  • Italy joins the fight

    Italy joins the fight
    As France is being pushed toward Paris from the Germans, Italy joins the war in the Axis Faction
  • France Falls

    France Falls
    Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. Germany would occupy Northern France while Southern France would be made into a puppet-state for the Nazi Regime.
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    Battle for Britain

    Germany begins to assemble an invasion fleet along the French coast.Germany could not compete with Britain's Navy so Hitler launched an air war, ordering the Luftwaffe (Germany Airforce) to make bombing runs over Britain.The Luftwaffe was ordered to concentrated on airfields until they were then told to target cities.Children were being sent away as parents feared that their town may be the next victim of a bombing.
  • The RAF Fight Back

    The RAF Fight Back
    The Royal Air Force takes down 18 German planes with only 26 aircraft casualties.
  • Germany Gives up

    Germany Gives up
    After his humiliating defeat by the RAF, Hitler called off the invasion of Britain indefinitely.