German Expansion Timeline

By omehler
  • Military Meeting

    Military Meeting
    Hitler held a secret meeting with his military leaders to talk about invading Austria and Czechoslovakia. To top military leaders he showed the plans of invasion.
  • Germans march into Austria

    Germans march into Austria
    Anschluss provides propaganda to influence more nazi supporters throughout the country. Allows the nazis to annex the country into the third reich.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact. This agreement gave Germany back the Sudentenland that was lost in WWI. Most people of the land were loyal to Germany and the Nazi Party.
  • Germans Invades Czechoslovakia

    Germans Invades Czechoslovakia
    Hitler invades Czechoslovakia through the Sudentenland to annex the rest of the country into the Third Reich.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Russia and Germany swear to never invade each other and become allies
  • The Power of Blitzkrieg

    The Power of Blitzkrieg
    Germans invade Poland using blitzkrieg. The German air force (luftwaffe) and tanks demolished polish forces.
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Russia Pressures Other Countries

    Russia Pressures Other Countries
    Russians annex Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. They then invaded Finland.
  • Hitler Moves Again

    Hitler Moves Again
    Germany launches a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway.
  • Hiltler Craves More Power

    Hiltler Craves More Power
    Hitler overruns Luxembourg, Belgium, and Netherlands in the matter of days.
  • France is Lost to Germany

    France is Lost to Germany
    After a vast German expansion and annexation of many countries, Germany takes control of France. On this date, Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. Germans then controlled France.
  • Germany Prepares to Invade

    Germany Prepares to Invade
    Germany assembles an invasion fleet on the coast of German occupied France. This fleet consisted of infantry, Luftwaffe, u-boats, and battleships.
  • Air Raids Begin

    Air Raids Begin
    Hitler began ordering the Luftwaffe to begin bombing Britain. For two solid months, they rained bombs on London.
  • A Resistence

    A Resistence
    Britain, using the power of radar shot down 185 German aircraft. They continued their fight back. Six weeks later, Hitler calls off invasion of Britain.