German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler's Secret Meeting

    Hitler's Secret Meeting
    Hitler met secretly with his top military advisers
  • German Troops Marched to Austria

    German Troops Marched to Austria
    Hitler sent his troops to invade Austria
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Germany signed the Munich Agreement which turned over the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot fired
  • German Troops Marching to Czechoslovakia

    German Troops Marching to Czechoslovakia
    German troops taking over on what left of Czechoslovakia
  • Germany and Communist Russia Agreed to Not Attack One And Other

    Germany and Communist Russia Agreed to Not Attack One And Other
    Germany and Communist Russia are allies
  • German Air forces roar to Poland

    German Air forces roar to Poland
    German planes attacked Poland
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    Britain and France joined together to defeat Germany
  • Hitler Surprised Attack Denmark and Norway

    Hitler sent troops to take over Denmark and Norway
  • Hitler Handed French Officers His Terms of Surrender

    Hitler Handed French Officers His Terms of Surrender
    Hitler invaded France with German troops
  • Hitler Called off The Invasion of Britain

    Hitler Called off The Invasion of Britain
    German planes were getting shot down so Hitler called off the attack