German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler met secretly with his top military advisers

    He declared that to grow and prosper Germany needed the land of its neighbors.
  • German troops marched into Austria

    German troops marched into Austria
    Germany announced that the union was finished, and that the United States and everyone else did nothing
  • The Munich agreement was signed

    Turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired
  • German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler gloated that Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist
  • Fascist Germany and communist Russia now committed never to attack each other

    they agreed divide Poland between then
  • German Air Forced roared over Poland

    At the same time, German tanks raced across the Polish countryside, spreading terror and confusion.
  • War was declared on Germany by Poland, Britain, and France

    the tactics worked very well. major fighting was spread around.
  • Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway

    but the truth was that Hitler planned to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain.
  • Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender

    German would occupy the northern part of France and a Nazi-controlled puppet government.
  • The RAF shot down over 185 German planes

    The RAF fought back, with the help of a new technological device called radar. British pilots accurately plotted the flight paths of German planes and that is when the planes were shot down.