German Expansion Timeline

  • Period: to

    German Expansion

    following of german expansion through their plans of capturing Europe
  • Secret German Meeting

    Secret German Meeting
    Hitler met secretly with his top military advisors to declare his plan of Germany growing by means of force
  • Invasion of Austria

    Invasion of Austria
    Hitler marched into Austria unopposed and announced its unification. No one did anything about it.
  • Munich Agreement (Sudetenland)

    Munich Agreement (Sudetenland)
    With Hitler lying about how this was his last territorial demand, Neville Chamberlain(British prime minister) and Edouard Dadladier(French premier) agreed on signing away Sudetenland without a single shot being fired.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    After the Munich Agreement, Winston Churchill( President of the United States) warned about Hitlers land hungry thinking. As he predicted, Hitler flooded his troops in Czechoslovakia.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    Non-Aggression Pact
    signed with the soviet Union. Joseph Stalin was once sworn enemies with Hitler, now committed never to attack each other. The also signed a secret treaty to divide Poland after annexation.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    german airforce raided poland raining bombs on bases, railroads, airfields and cities. Tanks and infantry raced across the border. The Blitzkrieg or lightning war was taking affect.
  • Invasion of Denmark/Norway

    Invasion of Denmark/Norway
    he wanted to "protect" denmark and norway. But all he used them for was building bases on the coasts in order to strike at Britain
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    the blitzkreig trapped 400,000 soldiers as they fled to the beaches of Dunkirk. As they escaped from the help of local sailors, Italy invaded from the south as Germany went in from the north. Hitler now controlled France by puppet strings on the government.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    this was the first time Germany had some adversity in their plan to take over Europe, the RAF(Royal Air Force). Shot down 185 planes but only lost 26 themselves. Hitler called the invasion off indefinentley .