German Expansion Timeline

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  • Nationalist Socialist German Workers

    Nationalist Socialist German Workers
    In 1919 Hitler joined a group called the Nationalist Socialist German workers, better known as Nazis. Even though the name had socialist it had nothing to do with socialism. Also Hitler had such powerful speeches that he quickly became the leader.
  • Luftwaffe

    Luftwafe is the term that Germans use for airforce. Also the official name for the Nazi air force founded in 1935 and led by Hermann Georing. And was soon the biggest and most powerful in Europe.
  • Hossbch Memorandum

    Hossbch Memorandum
    In berlin November 5th 1937 there was a meeting with Adolf Hitler and his military and foreign policy leadership, this is where Hitlers future expansionist policies were outlined. And he stated he didn't want war with Britain and France but he did want small wars of plunder to help his economy.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Munich Agreement was a agreement made by Nazi Germany, United Kingdom, French Third Republic, Kingdom of Italy. And it was giving Czechoslovakia to Germany, and most people celebrated because it stopped the war that Hitler threatened. And Chamberlain declares "Peace for Our Time"
  • Sudetenland

    Sudetenland is sections of northern and western Bohemia and northern Moravia. Sudetenland was mainly German population, was incorporated into Czechoslovakia when that new nations frontier were drawn. And since the majority of it was Germans there was a contention between Germany and Czechoslovakia. Because of this Sudetenland was assigned to Germany between October 1st and the 10th of 1938.
  • Hitler Threatens Bombing

    Hitler Threatens Bombing
    During a meeting on March 15, 1939 with the president of Czech Emil Hacha, which was a man that everyone called weak and senile. Hitler threatened to bomb the capitol of Czech if he didn't get a free passage for German troops into Czech borders.
  • Phoney War

    Phoney War
    This war was given its name because during the time of WWII to after blitzkrieg attacks nothing happened, and basically summaries what happened in Western Europe, near nothing.
  • Bitzkrieg

    In May 1940 Germany intruded in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, during this war Germany used their tactics Blitzkreig which was a combined force of tanks, mobile infantry and artillery troops to go through Ardennes Forest, and quickly got past the allied defenses.
  • Germany Invades Norway and Denmark

    Germany Invades Norway and Denmark
    On April 9, 1940 German warships enter major Norwegian ports, deploying thousands of German troops and occupying Norway. But in Denmark King Christian X, he told his army it would be almost impossible to fight off the Germans and surrendered almost immediately.
  • Franco German Armistice

    Franco German Armistice
    The Franco German Armistice divided France into two zones, one being to the French in full sovereignty and thee other one being left to German military occupation.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle was very important during WWII, and during this time Germany and Hitler has already conquered most of Europe including France, besides one place and that being Great Britain. But Great Britain had the advantage of having the homeland, also they had a radar which will let them know when the German planes where coming and allowed British planes to help defend against them.